Small Fights [1]

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[This Chapter does affect the Plotline]
[My fellow readers, my lovelies! I am not the best when it comes to angst or anything related to the sort, I may be a dramatic person, but I like to talk through my problems (it helps my mind connect things better), but I will certainly try for you all 💜]
[Yes, this is also a series]

Darling was heading towards her studio in the Big Hit building, tensions have been high as they were planning to release some info for their newest album "Love Yourself: Tear", the fans knew nothing of the album as of yet, but tensions were high within the rap line rather then the vocal line.

Namjoon and Yoongi have been a little snappy for the last week while Hoseok tried to brighten the world, but the idea of the comeback was always in the back of his mind. The vocal line was rather confident within themselves, while Darling feels in between each emotions.

To get to Darling's studio, she had to pass through Yoongi's studio, as she was walking with her water bottle she noticed Yoongi's door studio door was open, which confused Darling because his doors were usually closed, she looked into the room to see Yoongi stressed, his head in his hands. Darling didn't want to disturb him, but she wanted to see if he was alright, so she slowly opened the glass door and stuck half her body in the doorway.

"Yoongi?" She whispered, afraid she would scare him, he didn't move from his position.

"Are you alright?" She whispers again, she noticed that he had earbuds in his ears so he couldn't even hear her. She slowly went behind his chair and slowly tapped his shoulder, he flinches the sees her, but instead of smiling as he usually would, he rolls his eyes and turns back around, not taking out his earbuds from his ears.

"Yoongi." She says louder, but had some worry in her voice.

"What?" He growled, Darling's face changed from worry to fear in a blink as she looked at the back of his head, she felt as if she was fearing for her life.

"I just wanted to be sure you were ok." She said softly as she played with her fingers. Maybe seeing if he was ok was a mistake...

"Do I look ok?" He snapped as he side eyed her, she didn't dare look into his eyes.

"No, but I-"

"Then you should have known not to come in here! You know exactly how I feel when someone comes in here uninvited." He snapped as he faced Darling fully as Darling stepped back instinctively.

"I'm sorry... I just care for your-"

"You aren't even my therapist Darling, you can't just always assume i'm feeling upset all the time, it gets super annoying whenever I look upset you come rushing over asking if I'm ok, sometimes i'm fine, but of course you have to come check on me, i'm an adult I can handle myself and you aren't my mom." He ranted as he stared at Darling in fury, her chest started to hurt and her eyes started to sting.

"I'm sorry Yoongi-ssi, I didn't mean to annoy you." She said softly as she looked at her feet, the tears threatened to spill as her chest continued to tighten, she quickly left the room before Yoongi would start to yell at her.

Even though Darling isn't use to using honorifics, they come out when she feels guilty or has some sort of anxiety to another person, no matter if they are older or not, she uses honorifics whenever she feels lower than another, it's a sign of respect, but it's also a sign of fear. Darling not only wanted to be respected, but she also wants to respect others, it was how she was taught as a young girl to always respect adults. Darling respects higher ups, she respects those that know more then her, overall she respects anyone who she believes is better then her, which can backfire tremendously for her.

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