Can't Sing?

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[This Chapter does affect the Plotline]

"Darling you're voice sounds kind of hoarse? Are you alright?" A producer asked through his mic as he looked at Darling in the recording booth.

"I don't feel any pain." Darling said as her fingers were lightly placed on her neck, feeling a small sharp feeling, but nothing bigger then that.

"I can't record your voice hoarse like that. Come back tomorrow to record again." The producer said stressfully as Darling sadly took off her headphones.

"Bring in Jimin next!" The producer yelled, Darling sighed sadly as she started to look for Jimin.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Darling walks into the building, her throat in much worse pain then yesterday. Darling lightly rubbed her hand over her throat in pain as she coughs.

"Woah Darling-Noona? Are you sick?" Jungkook asked as he sees Darling in mid cough, she looks to Jungkook and continues to cough. He quickly grabs a water bottle and hands it to Darling as she grabs it and drinks it slowly.

"I don't know, I don't feel sick, my throat just hurts really bad." Darling responds as she rubs her neck again.

"Well we're late for practice, so we should hurry." Jungkook says as he grabs Darling's wrist and drags her towards the practice room.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Darling starts to cough more and more as everyone dances and practices, her coughs disrupting her dancing. Hoseok stops the music and rubs his face in frustration as Darling coughs repeatedly.

"Darling, are you sick? Because if you are you'd might as well just go back home and rest." Hoseok stressed as he looked at his dongsaeng softly, who was still coughing.

"No-" she coughed out, she breathes and stops.

"-my throat just hurts Hobi-" she coughs again as Yoongi hands her a water bottle, she grabs it and takes small sips.

"Thank you." She says to Yoongi as he nods.

"My throat just hurts, I'm not sick I swear." Darling reasons.

"Let's take you to the doctor then." Jin says as he places a hand on her shoulder. She nods as she continues to cough.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"Well looking at the results and tests. I'm sad to say you have Vocal Cord Polyp. Luckily it's small, so you aren't in a huge need for surgery. I do recommend you go in vocal rest for a few weeks, no speaking, no singing." The doctor advised as Darling sat and listened to every word the doctor was talking about.

"Does she have multiple?" Namjoon asked as the doctor shook his head.

"Nope, just one small one, if she doesn't talk for a few weeks it should die down, if it gets worse please do come immediately, I'll do another test and determine if surgery will be needed or not." The doctor told Namjoon, who nodded.

The doctor write down on his clipboard and handed it to Namjoon.

"Here is some medication just in case things get worse, she won't necessarily need it in this stage, but it's better to be safe then sorry in you line of work." The doctor smiled as he left the room. Everyone bowed as a thank you as the door closed.

"Well... Guess who's getting a whiteboard and dry erase markers." Yoongi said excitedly, Darling rolled her eyes and smiled.


BREAKING: Chai Darling of BTS has Vocal Nodes?!

💬 1.2k 🔁 5.4K ❤️ 10.2K

Oh No!

Chai Darling, 24, of BTS has been diagnosed with Vocal Cord Polyp! Sources say that Darling is now on Vocal rest as of the next few weeks!

She has been told not to sing or talk for the next few weeks, and has been told to stand off in practicing and performing until she is fully healed.

We'll update when we get more info.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"Don't worry Darling everything will be ok." Taehyung said as he placed his head on her shoulder and Darling wrote on her board.

"That's what they all say" is written and she rolls her eyes. Taehyung laughs and hugs Darling, which was a struggle as they were in the car on their way back to BigHit.

"How ya feeling?" Jimin asks, Darling starts to write on her board.

"Ok I guess." It reads as Jimin softly smiles as the driver parks the car.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"What do you mean you have Vocal Cord Polyp?!" Bang-PD yelled angrily, the boys flinched due to such a volunteer changed, but Darling stared at the man hardly as she writes on her board, the marker squeaking against the white board material.

"This isn't my fault." It reads as Bang-PD scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"You're suppose to limit yourself." Bang-PD says as he stares into Darling's eyes. She stares at him with no emotion then looks down, erasing her last message and starts to write a new one, her younger pushes against her right cheek in frustration as she bites her lip.

"How can I limit myself when we song and work hard for more than 12 hours a day, you're overworking us and we need a break."

"Not when your planned comback is set in August." He scolds as the young girl stares at her boss harshly.

Her younger pushes against her cheek again, a habit she got from Jungkook as she stares at Bang-PD, the boys look between the two confused.

"You are such a pain." Bang-PD scoffs as he looks away from Darling and at the paperwork on his desk as Darling erases her message.

"You're stuck with me." Darling shows as she shrugs her shoulder. Bang-PD chuckles and shakes his head.

"It nots bad right?" He asks to no one specifically.

"It's a small one, she won't need surgery, but if it gets worse we have to call her doctor right away, theres only one." Namjoom says as Bang-PD sighs in relief.

"Very well. Go practice, Darling you are allowed to go home. Please don't talk until you 100 percent healed, I can't have one vocalist down in such a short period of time." Bang-PD orders as everyone nods and leaves.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

"After only a few weeks it seems your polyp has subsided. Which is good, still stay on Vocal rest since it's still there, it's much smaller then before, but considering your career, it's best for you to still not speak or song until it's one thousand percent healed, but keep doing what you've been doing." The doctor explain as he lifts the pages off his clipboard.

"Thank you." Namjoon says as he smiles.


An Update on Darling's condition will be posted.

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