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All I had done for the past half an hour was stare at the ceiling in JM's room. I was laying in his bed, with him laying on his stomach next to me. His arm was draped over my chest and stomach area, moving up and down with each of my careful breaths. His slow, even breathing was hitting my shoulder gently, and I tried my best to not look over at his sleeping face, which was turned towards me. Or his shirtless back.

I was so glad that the rest of him was covered by the sheets. I mean, I wasn't disappointed by what I saw, but we legit met only two days ago. I couldn't bear looking at him naked a second time.

I sat up quickly, letting his hand fall back onto the bed. Even though it was still morning, JM had quickly fallen asleep. I was confused, but I sure wasn't complaining. My clothes were sprawled across the floor, so I stood up and started quietly pulling on my clothes, not wanting JM to wake from his peaceful slumber.

As I was pulling J's sweatshirt over my head, JM sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Micha?" He asked groggily, in his raspy morning voice. "What are you-"

"I'm leaving." I stated, and he turned his head in surprise.


"Because I'm done here." I said, and he sighed.

"But Micha, don't go," He whined sleepily, and I ignored him, walking out the door.

I made my way back to my room, and slammed the door. Did I just do that? I wasn't sure I could believe it myself. I collapsed onto my bed, and sighed heavily. I just wanted to stay in here for the rest of the day. I couldn't face JM again, not for at least a few days.

This wasn't wrong, right? It was perfectly fine. I've done this so many times before, why did it only feel wrong now? JM was just another guy, I shouldn't give a fuck whether I did it with him or not.

It was my decision, I was the one who chose to do this... And it was legal, too. There wasn't anything wrong with this, it was all my choice, and I did what I thought I should do in the current situation. But if it was right... then why did it feel so wrong?

A few minutes later, my door opened, and I didn't bother looking over to see who it was. "What do you want?" I asked, still staring at the ceiling.

Footsteps indicated that whoever it was had started to walk closer to me, and J's face appeared from above, looking down on me.

"You okay?" J asked, and I sighed.

"Meh. I don't feel like talking." I replied, and J sighed.

"That's okay, we all have off-days." J said, "I need to change your bandages now."

I sat up, annoyed. Couldn't I just have a few more minutes to myself? But I probably should get the bandages changed, so the wound wouldn't get infected.

I stood up and followed J to the bathroom, where clean, white towels and fresh bandages were awaiting us on the counter. I watched carefully as J gently unwrapped the bandages. He threw the dirty, blood-stained bandages into the trash can, and I examined the healing wound.

J was right, S had carved the word 방탄 onto my wrist. The broken skin had started to scab over and heal, but it still looked very fresh. Blood had stained the surrounding area of the wound, and I was careful not to even touch it. It looked as if the wound would open all over again if I touched it at all. I was notorious for picking at my scabs, and I had faith that I wouldn't do it this time, but there was no guarantee.

J ran one end of a towel under the sink, getting it slightly damp before pressing it carefully against the wound. The damp towel felt cool to the touch, and J carefully dabbed it around the wound, getting rid of the blood slowly. If he moved the towel too quickly or pressed down with too much force, he would end up reopening the wound.

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