- NINE -

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Jungkook and I ran as fast as we could to get away from the shouting stranger. Once we were out of sight and in a private alley, we both burst out into laughter. As it turns out, Jungkook liked pranking people as well. Good to know that we both had that in common.

"That's the funniest thing–" Jungkook managed to get out in the midst of laughing, "–I've seen all day!"

I could barely contain myself, my stomach ached from laughing so hard. That is the funniest prank I've ever pulled... Mainly from the reaction we got.

We both spent a few minutes calming down, but then Jungkook quickly noticed the sky had started to darken.

"Maybe we should start finding out where we're staying for the night." Jungkook mentioned, and I groaned. The inevitable had come.

"Can we please just stay in a hotel or something?" I pleaded.

"I can't afford a hotel, and I doubt you've got any money with you." Jungkook responded. "And, I bet everyone knows who you are by now. They'd recognize you in an instant just from the news."

What, were we just supposed to pick an alley and sleep on the ground? Great, house hunting, homeless version–

I should stop. This is the kind of stuff Jungkook wants me to stop doing... I only hurt him more by doing that. 

I mean, he isn't homeless now, but how was I supposed to know that he wasn't before? And I mean, he'll probably just make fun of me being "rich" and all that the more I make comments like that. I'd just be better off leaving it alone.

"You alright?" Jungkook asked, and I was brought back to reality.

"Oh– Yeah. I'm fine." I replied, "Let's just go."


An hour later, and–I can't believe I'm saying this–I'm resting on top of my knapsack, in the middle of an alleyway. Jungkook had spent the last of his money on two blankets, since it was freezing out. I shivered, still cold despite everything we tried to prevent it. The chilly breeze nipped at my exposed hands, although I was trying to keep them protected under the cheap and crappy blanket. Stupid thing, wasn't doing anything at all to keep me warm...

This is what I got for going on the run in the middle of February. How had we gone from having so much fun exploring the city to this?

Jungkook was doing the exact same thing as me across the alley, but seemed to not care about the cold. His blanket covered him and he was shivering like me, but he looked content. As if he didn't care about any of this.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and I nodded. 

"I-It's j-just w-weird to m-me... I-I don't l-like living like th-this." I responded, my teeth chattering, "I've a-always had g-good living c-conditions, and it's unc-comfortable to have to go st-straight from that to l-living on the s-s-streets... E-Even if it'll o-only b-be for o-one night."

"I know, spending one night in a strange city–on the streets, no less–would be hard on anyone, but I understand how much of a change it can be for you." Jungkook sympathized. 

My teeth were chattering too much, it was too difficult to talk after that. I'd rather not have to talk to him, and just fall asleep as soon as possible so I could wake up to the warmth of the sun.

My eyes became heavy, and I struggled to keep them open. I wanted to succumb to the sleepiness, but I couldn't bring myself to, for some reason.

Shuffling sounds come from across the alley, and I squinted my eyes to see what it is. Before I could understand what the moving thing was, something pulled my blanket out of my grasp, letting an even colder gust of air hit my shivering body.

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