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Chapter Seventeen-teen-teen :) (Any carats here????) And I apologize for not updating yesterday, I'm posting this today and then I'll update later today as well 😁


After S left, I obeyed what he had said and stayed in the empty room. I just laid on the creaky bed and stared at the ceiling, with random thoughts going through my mind. I was going from being angry at Jungkook one second, to wishing he was here to comfort me the next, and five minutes later I was plotting the rest of the gang's deaths.

To put it simply, I was a straight-up wreck.

I groaned. I was barely surviving a few hours here, how much longer would I have to stay?

A small knock came on my door before it opened abruptly. I sat up quickly to see J standing in my doorway, holding something behind his back.

"What do you want?" I asked, and he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

"Here," He answered, bringing his hand in front of him to show that he was holding a tray of food. "Dinner."

"Wasn't dinner hours ago?" I asked, flashing back to when I saw BTS eating in the dining room.

"Oh, no. You woke up around two. That was our late lunch, we were all busy wondering where S had gone, and then he suddenly showed up with you and Jungkook. I mean, we already have busy enough schedules as it is. This just made it all a bit more complicated." He explained, and handed me the tray. I didn't even reply, and placed it carefully on my lap before digging in.

S was right, J cooks all the time for a reason. I think he's even better than the professional cooks that make food for my family back at home.

"How ish tish sho good?" I wondered aloud, with my mouth full of food.

J laughed. "You figure out how to cook well when you cook for six kids all your life... They're picky, too. They tell you exactly what tastes good and what tastes like shit, so you get good at it after a while." J explained.

I swallowed before replying, "Oh, you have a lot of siblings?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, I mean BTS. And our other seventh member, but he left. We don't talk about him. But yeah, I've always cooked for them," J answered.

I quickly finished the food, and chugged the glass of water J had brought me. I guess I was hungry...

"Thanks for the food." I said afterwards, and J nodded.

"No need to say thanks, I cook for the others 24/7, I enjoy it." J replied, and I sighed.

"And can you stop being nice to me? It's... unsettling." I added, causing J to laugh again.

"Oh, we're all done being nice. I mean, I'll still cook for you, I even cook for your two friends. But don't expect the others to be as nice as they've been today." J replied, "We just didn't want to terrify you too much on the first day."

"Oh." I replied. They've been telling me that they'll stop being nice tomorrow, but I just couldn't seem to believe them from how things have been going.

J grabbed my now empty tray, and started to exit the room, but I called out for him to stay. I still had one more question.

"S told me that you guys kind of... lose control, sometimes. If that makes sense. I was wondering if that was true?" I asked, and J shook his head.

"He exaggerates a lot. He tells that to a lot of people, anyone he gets the chance to tell. Usually it's right before he kills them, but you get the point. Yeah, he's right, we do lose control. But it's not as often as you'd think." J said, and I tilted my head in a confused manner.

"S said that he can kill one person easily, which I don't get how anyone does, but then a group of people is when he goes too far." I explained, and J nodded.

"That's exactly what he tells everyone else. S– Let's just say he likes blood. I don't know how to explain it. I would say you'd see for yourself, but I sure hope you never have to find out the hard way," J stated, "But it's not that he can handle killing people... It's that he can handle that much blood. He doesn't do it for the kill, if that's why he was doing it, I can assure you he wouldn't be doing this. But once he gets going, then he just can't stop. The amount of blood gets to him, and he just wants to see more and more... I'm sorry. You get the point."

"...Wow." I mumbled. I was internally screaming at myself. How could I be talking about this so easily? It was as if killing people was like a daily task, like brushing your teeth, or eating breakfast.

"Yeah. I get exactly what he means, though. Even for him, he doesn't want to kill that many people at once, only if it's really necessary. For me, I don't get many 'killing' orders from RM, but there's been plenty of orders that I haven't liked to do. But I mean, when I get really focused on my task, I zone out and don't even care about anything else."

"Even when I don't want to do it, sometimes I get so into it I almost force myself to like whatever I'm doing. I don't know, I don't think you really would understand. Even the other members and I can't really understand each other, at times. We all have different roles, and sometimes that makes it difficult to understand someone else's job, and how they feel."

I nodded, sort of getting what he meant.

"But that's why we have Seventeen working for us, technically they're even part of the gang. If I get an order that I don't like, I can have someone else do it for me. I don't have to feel guilty or get my hands dirty." J added.

"I kinda get it... But I don't know, this is all weird to me. I don't get how all of you can act this nice, and then go and talk about killing others as if it's your favorite hobby or something... I just don't like it."

"Not a lot of people like what we do. I can't imagine why!" J joked, and I sensed the sarcasm in his tone.

"Me neither..." I replied, and J smiled.
But his smile fell, and his expression turned serious for a moment.

"But we don't do this because we want to... We do this because we have to," he said before closing the door.

Again, I was alone. Back to my own thoughts.

I laid down, and then it hit me. They were murders. Killing probably was their favorite hobby. A tear ran down my cheek and hit my pillow. I wiped my face with the back of my hand, not wanting to cry. But at this point, I doubt anyone would come into my room to see me like this, so it didn't even matter anymore.

I let it all out, and cried myself to sleep.

I don't think I'd ever felt so weak in my life.

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