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"I don't want to have this conversation now," I stated, and Jungkook sighed.

"Micha, if we don't talk about this now and get it over with, we never will. So let me explain it all now while I have the chance, and whether you forgive me or not is up to you." Jungkook replied. What's the harm in at least letting him talk?

"Fine. Explain your story." I stated, and Jungkook grinned.

"Finally!" He exclaimed, and started the story. "Okay, so remember when I showed you my tattoo? A lot of this story has its place on that list."

He rolled up his sleeve, and pointed to the date that said 090831. "This was the day my dad died." He said, letting out a deep breath afterwards. This was gonna be a long story, I could already tell. "I was only twelve. It drove my mom insane... She still went to work and earned money so we could at least have a house and food, but that was the limit to her motherly nature. She just turned into this empty shell of a person who didn't do anything except eat, sleep, and work. She never talked to me, never helped me when I needed it... It was awful. I had no one to look out for me or be there when I needed it."

"But then..." He pointed to 091023 before continuing, "I met Bangtan. At that point, they weren't anything like this. Just a group of friends who all had each other's backs. I was younger than all of them, and they took me under their wing in a way, and I finally found my place. They showed me that they all had their problems and bad-backgrounds too, and that I wasn't alone. That they all had each other, and that's what made it better. They were able to get through it because they had friends to look out for them when they had no one else. It was the best part of my life. Well, at that point in time, it was."

"But then... things started to go badly. Things started changing in everyone's personal lives, things were getting more complicated, and we couldn't always be there for each other." He pointed to the next one, 100326, before continuing, "My mom died around that time. And that, along with some of the other member's personal lives, lead to some of us going down the wrong path... We all had a big influence on each other, and soon enough, we were all caught into the same mess. By time I was fifteen, we were pretty much a gang. I was the youngest, and they helped me grow up... But I just listened to them, I didn't know any better. If they were doing this, why couldn't I?"

"After a year or so of being an actual gang, I knew something wasn't right, and that I had to get out while I still had time. But I was the youngest still, I didn't have enough power or bravery to stand up to them and get out of the mess I'd put myself in. They raised me, I felt like I couldn't just betray them like that." He paused for a second before pointing to the next date. 160512. "I didn't actually find a way out 'till I was nineteen. It was already too late, though... I was already involved with the police, and wanted for too many crimes to even count... A lot of them I hadn't even committed, it was just because I was involved with the gang."

"After that, I made it my lifetime goal to take down BTS, and other gangs like them... But mainly BTS. They were my first priority. Since they're the most powerful gang in town, if I managed to take them down, others would be almost nothing compared to them. They ruined my life... So I wanted to ruin theirs."

"But now to our situation... I wanted to tell you, Micha. But if I told you right on the first day we met, I was afraid that it would be awkward and you wouldn't trust me, then we'd have no chance at getting your friends back. And once I had your trust, I planned to tell you... The only issue was that I was terrified you wouldn't want to trust me anymore, and that I would break whatever trust we had made between us. Then all that time spent working together would be for nothing. I didn't man up and do it in time, and they beat me to it."

My gaze lowered until I was looking at the ground. I felt bad for him... This gang thing wasn't even his fault. He still should have told me, but I understand what he was saying. How was he supposed to tell me something like that from the beginning? And would I have lost my trust in him if he ended up telling me?

But I still couldn't quite bring myself to forgive him. He still kept that from me, and he was with me all day for over a week, and he still couldn't find time to tell me? I felt sorry for him, but I didn't know if I could give him that pardon he asked for. 

Before I could say a word about it, Jungkook continued talking. "I know exactly what you're thinking."

"W-What do you mean?" I asked, taken aback.

"You're feeling bad and that you want to forgive me, but you don't know if you can."

"How did you–"

"I just guessed. Don't ask." Jungkook replied. "Now, I have one more thing to say before you decide to forgive me or not."

"What?" I asked, and Jungkook smirked.

"I have the start of a plan to get us and your friends out of here. I have no idea if it'll work, it's only the beginning of one... But I need to know you trust me to be able to tell you. How do I know that you won't mess this up by telling the members that I have a plan?" Jungkook explained. "So if you don't forgive me, I won't tell you the plan."

I just stared at him, hesitating to reply. Even if I couldn't forgive him yet, I needed to take this chance to leave. I had to at least try and forgive him, whether I like it or not.

"Fine. I'll do it."

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