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I had the perfect opportunity to find Jina and Yuna. All I needed to do was find that same room that I found last time, before J caught me. But where was it again? I made my way back to the hallway with the bedrooms, and stopped. Wasn't it a bit farther down than this?

After a while of walking around, traveling by hallway after hallway, I came across a door that was slightly ajar. It definitely wasn't the same one as last time... But I didn't recall seeing it before. Maybe they could be somewhere around here?

I pulled the door open a little bit more, and it creaked loudly. It was a good thing that no one was near here...

After glancing inside, I realized this must've been the room I found during the power outage. It was filled with cardboard boxes, some were stacked, and others were lying in the middle of the room by themselves. I was surprised that I only ran into one of the boxes throughout the entire outage, instead of running into eight of them.

But one box near the door was different than the rest. They all were closed so you couldn't see its contents, but this one was wide open, exposing the medicine bottles that filled the inside. I walked over to some of the other boxes and opened the top to see if there were the same things inside the others. I was starting to see a constant pattern between the contents; they all had drugs inside of them.

Some were filled with the medicine containers like the first box was, but others had plastic bags instead. Some of the plastic bags were filled with powder, and labeled on the side with a black marker. A variety of pills, tablets, and capsules were inside the medicine bottles, all different colors and sizes, and those containers were also labeled, with a little sticker on the top.

The labels were all different, some said cocaine, some said heroin, some said LSD, others said marijuana... All various drugs, some much more dangerous than others, and even some I'd never heard of.

I took a step back in awe. They just had and entire room filled with drugs to send out? And it wasn't like they only dealt one type, they had so many different options... But why was that even necessary? It was insane how many different things filled these boxes... How many different places were they planning to send them?

As I pondered about the point of this room, I subconsciously backed up until I was next to that first box once again. I glanced back down into the box, and then to the door. No one was here, I could take whatever I wanted right this second and they'd have no idea... As long as I kept it in my room.

And if I really needed to, I could hide it underneath this giant sweatshirt... If I only took a small amount, then they'd never know. Then what happened with Jungkook would have a really small chance of happening again, and I would be in the clear.

Jungkook did tell me that this stuff could ruin my life if I got hooked on it... I had no idea what the extent of the consequences of taking Ecstasy were. But what did Jungkook know about helping me? He lied to me for my own good, when it really just made things worse. He wasn't any help to me, why should I listen to what he said?

I carefully reached for one of the medicine bottles, and shoved it into my sweatshirt pocket. The bagginess of the sweatshirt covered up the bottle well, and you wouldn't be able to tell that there was anything there unless you really paid attention. I grinned, and closed the door on my way out. Now I needed to just find that room again... It shouldn't be too difficult, right?

As I traveled through the halls, I tried to find the one odd door that I found last time, but I was out of luck. It was almost as it disappeared or something, but that wasn't possible. But with this place, who knew? For all I knew, maybe it did disappear. This place was weird enough already...

Okay, if you don't find it in the next 30 seconds, you'll go back to your room, I thought.

I took a deep breath, and looked around the next corner, and my mouth dropped wide open.

The next hallway was bare, for the most part. At the end was a single door, cracked open slightly. This was it. I found it.

I silently crept around the corner and approached the door. It didn't seem like anything was going on behind it, so maybe no one was there? But there was only one way to find out.

I pulled it the rest of the way open, and it made a loud creaking noise. It was almost like when we had the power outage, and everything was silent and empty. Except this time, the silence wasn't eerie or creepy, it was just quiet.

Once the door was opened, I peered inside to see that it wasn't a room, but just a staircase that lead downstairs somewhere. There was no light switch anywhere to be seen, and the stairs just declined into the darkness.

I knew it was a bad idea just from the look of it. I shouldn't go down there. But I was almost certain that Yuna and Jina were down there. Where else would they be? This place is big, but not that big. I'm sure they would keep where they were located isolated from everywhere else, like in a basement that could only be accessed by a hallway that no one would have any reason to be in. Where I was right now.

I hesitated, but took a small step onto the first stair. Nothing jumped out at me, I wasn't dead. Maybe it would be okay. I took a few more steps, and left the door wide open so there would at least be some light. The more light, the better and the safer I would feel.

Once I reached the bottom, my heart was racing in my chest. It was pitch black, there was no way I'd be able to see if there was anything down here. I tried to do what I did during the outage, and find a wall. If I could just do that, then maybe I'd find a light switch and actually be able to see.

My hands found a hard surface, and I grinned in the dark, letting them slide across and bring myself through the hallway. Suddenly, my hand hit a hard piece of plastic, and I tried to find the switch part of it. Once I found it, I lifted it upwards, and the room lit up instantly. I blinked a couple of times and squinted at the bright light, trying to take it all in.

It didn't lead to a room, it lead to a hallway with three doors. The walls weren't even painted, it was just exposed drywall. And the floor wasn't wood like the rest of the building, it was concrete. The doors were wooden and scratched up a lot, from who knows what.

The light flickered a few times, and I started to get a bad feeling about this. This whole building was creepy, but this small hallway was worse.

I shook off the feeling, and decided to try and figure out what was behind the three different doors. At first, they all looked the same with scratches all over them and the same colored wood, but I quickly noticed a difference between the one farthest from me. The doors on the left and right side walls were just regular doors, while the one on the back wall had a ton of locks scattered near the handle. Why would that door have so many locks on it?

Until it hit me.

That must be where Yuna and Jina were.

It had to be it... Where else would they be? And what else could possibly be behind a door with that many locks?

I slowly approached the door, and knocked gently on it.

"W-Who's there?" A weak voice asked, and I let out a tiny gasp. It was Yuna!

"Jina, get up, someone's there." Yuna said softly, and I smiled. They were both alive, and just on the other side of this door. If I only had the key to these locks...

"Micha, get the fuck away from that door." A low, thick-with-anger voice stated from behind me, causing me to flinch.

I hesitated before turning around, and saw RM glaring at me with an angry look in his eyes.

And at that moment, I knew I fucked up.

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