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I sat down on JM's bed, and watched him intently as he paced around his room as he started to explain.

"Basically, I give you a task, and you do it. Sometimes you might have to retrieve something for me, and others might involve other members. They shouldn't be too difficult... Most of the time." JM explained, "There's going to be many different tasks... And you'll have to do more of them to get more people to escape with you."

I tilted my head confusedly. "What do you mean, to get more people out?"

JM smiled. "I'm guessing you want your friends out too, right?" I nodded. "You'll have to do a certain number of tasks for me to get yourself out, but the more you do, the more people that'll be allowed to leave. Eventually, you can get you, your two friends, and Jungkook out if you complete enough tasks. But you'll have to work your way up to that point."

I nodded understandingly. 

"And also, there's deadlines. If you don't complete a task on time, it doesn't count. If you fail a task... Then you might get one more chance to complete another task. If you fail a second task, then you don't get a third chance. You're done."

"Why are there so many rules?" I asked quickly.

"This is a big deal, Micha. If I get caught helping you escape, then I'll be in big trouble. You don't even understand... it'll be over for me, I'll be out on the streets, alone. I want to help you, but for a price. It'll cost me a lot if I'm caught, and I'm not gonna give you this chance to escape that easily." JM explained. I guess that's understandable... But does this 'game' really have to be this complicated?

"What's the point of trying if it'll be this complicated? I don't know how difficult the tasks are gonna be, I can't just agree to this yet." I stated, and JM shrugged.

"Why not just try? There's no harm in trying. If you fail twice, all that happens is that you don't get to escape. If you don't even try, then that chance'll be gone for good." He explained.

I thought about it for a moment, before asking another question. "How did you even come up with this?"

"I had a feeling you would bail out on the other thing, so I'd been planning it out all morning. I wanted to give you a second chance, if you desperately wanted to get out." JM replied, and I sighed. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this... How could I be sure that this wasn't another one of his tricks? He seemed like he was serious about this, like I would really get a chance to escape with my friends if I succeeded. But how many tasks would it take me to do anyways? Would I be able to get out as easily as he was saying it would be?

But like he said, there was no harm in trying. 

"Fine," I stated, "I'll do it."

JM grinned after I agreed. "Great! I already have two tasks. It shouldn't be too hard." He said, and my eyes widened. Two tasks? Already?

"First one is simple. J bought some more ice cream after he gave you the last of it, and I want it. But he's gonna be mad if I take it myself, so what I need you to do is sneak the container back to my room. Just grab it from the kitchen and go, I'm sure you won't be caught."

"The second task is a bit more difficult. I need you to download everything on this–" He said, lifting up my hand and shoving a flash drive into it, "–onto JH's computer. Whether you trick him into doing it himself, or you do it when he's not looking, it needs to get done. Without him knowing that I made you do it. Got it?"

I just stared at the black flash drive I was now holding. How was I supposed to do this? He would surely notice me turning on his computer, and then downloading something onto it from a flash drive. I could try and go to his room when he wasn't there, but how was I supposed to know when that would be? All the doors in this place were always closed, and if I knocked on his and realized that he was there, he would let me in, and I would have to come up with some reason why I was there.

It just wouldn't be a good idea. 

"Both tasks are due in three days, starting now." JM said, and then went to go unlock the door. I stood up and walked out, glancing back to see JM give a small wave before closing the door behind me. 

I sighed, and looked back down the hallway. I guess I should start by stealing the ice cream, it should be easier than doing the other task. And if I did that first, I had more time to think over how I would get the other task accomplished, so why not? I started heading towards the kitchen, but I then I stopped in my tracks. No one was watching where I was going. I could go anywhere I wanted. What if I could explore, and find my friends? Even if I couldn't find them, I might find something else useful...

I quickly started wandering around, going down hallway after hallway, hoping that there would be something different in one. But every time I found a new one, it had the same layout as the others, just a dead end with a bunch of doors on each side. 

Until one was different.

The next hallway I came across had just one door, instead of multiple along the walls. It was just along the very end of the hallway, and it was slightly ajar. Whatever room behind it was dark, and I almost wanted to go and check it out, but was a bit nervous to. It was different for a reason, and whatever was back there must be important. Did I really want to risk it and find out what (or who) was in there?

I took a few steps towards the door gingerly, unsure if I really wanted to do this. Best case scenario: Jina and Yuna were there, and they knew of an easy way to get out. Worst case scenario: It was some sort of control room, and RM was sitting there, watching me enter from some security camera I had no idea was here, and then he'll decide to kill me. 

I find the latter more likely to happen, if you take out the part about dying at the end. But still, I was ready to take the chance. Other than dying, what was the worst that could happen? I get interrogated on why I was there? Doesn't sound too bad to me.

As I took another step closer, a voice came from behind me. "What are you doing here, Micha?"

I flinched, unaware someone was there, and turned around quickly to see J watching me warily. "Oh, it's just you..." I muttered, and calmed down a bit. I swear, if it was S, I would've freaked the hell out.

"But what're you doing here? Did you get lost or something?" J asked again, and I slowly nodded.

"I-I was trying to find the kitchen," I mumbled awkwardly. That probably sounded fake as fuck... Well, I'm screwed...

"Oh, you're going in the opposite direction," J replied with a laugh, "I'll show you where it is."

J turned around and started heading down the other end of the hallway, and I ran after him to catch up.

I guess I might've made some progress? I don't know what's behind that door, but I sure wanted to find out. Whatever it took to get there, I would find out what it was.

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