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"Jungkook, we need to switch." I begged. "Please."

"Micha, come on, just drive! There's no time to switch!" Jungkook ordered, and I stepped on the gas pedal.

I held a tight grip on the steering wheel, and my hands started to shake. I didn't want to mess this up and get caught... How was I supposed to do this?

"I-I barely know how to drive, can we please switch?" I asked, and Jungkook shook his head.

"I can help you, but there's no time to switch, we'll be caught! Can you speed up a bit?"

I stepped down a little harder on the gas pedal, and we sped quickly down the street.

"Aren't you supposed to have a license already?" Jungkook asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just never ended up getting it."

Jina already had her license, and she usually drove us everywhere. Yuna never mentioned the subject, and no one ever brought me to go get mine. It wasn't a big deal, since if I ever needed to go anywhere, someone was always able to drive me, whether it was a chauffeur or Jina. 

Jina taught me a little bit, and I learned from always sitting in the front seat and watching her. I did want a license, but I just never got around to ask anyone to teach me properly.

"You know enough to get us around in this thing, right?" Jungkook asked, and I slowly nodded.

"Sort of, yeah."

"Then you should be fine. If you need help, I'll tell you what to do."


The sound of police sirens came from behind us, and I sped up a bit. I could do this, no big deal. It's just driving. 

Before I knew it, Jungkook was ordering out directions and which way to turn, and I didn't hit anyone... Yet. I was driving really fast, and the car was going all over the road instead of staying in the correct lane. Luckily it wasn't too busy out yet, and most of the road was clear. 

Jungkook's directions were leading us out of town, and before I knew it, the buildings flying by were replaced by trees. Just us and the police driving quickly through the forest. It was actually kind of peaceful, and I felt relaxed for a quick second. But a pang of fear went through my chest as I realized that this meant there was nowhere to hide.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened once more, and I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal, sending us shooting forward down the empty street.

"Woah!" Jungkook exclaimed with wide eyes, "You sure?"

"Yeah." I stated, only focusing on the road ahead. The police wanted to catch us? Then I'm not going down without a fight.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. My first time driving for real, and I'm in the middle of a police chase? I wonder how many people have been in this kind of situation before. 

The siren's volume increased as the police cars sped up to match our speed. There was no way to tell how long it would take them to get to us. We needed to find a way to ditch them, now. But then an idea came to mind. It sure didn't seem like a good one, but it was all I had.


"Yeah?" I sensed a bit of fear in his tone.

"Don't get mad at me."

He slowly turned to give me a cautionary look, and I shook it off. He would thank me once it was over... If I didn't mess things up.

With a quick movement, I turned the steering wheel to the left, and the car lurched towards the trees. It drove between two trees, almost grazing the side of one.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Jungkook shouted, and I quickly glanced over to him. His expression was full of terror, and I let out a chuckle. Don't ask me how I'm laughing in a situation like this, I have no idea either.

"Give me a second!"

The car bounced over rocks and plants, and I grimaced, knowing that the vehicle wasn't meant for this kind of terrain. I dodged tree after tree, but as the spaces between trees started to become smaller, I knew I wouldn't be able to dodge them all for very long. It was difficult to keep a grip on the steering wheel from the bumpy ride, but I was doing my best.

Branches grazed the side of the car, and one giant branch hit the blind spot mirror, tearing it straight off the car. 

"Oh my god, Micha, why would you do this?" Jungkook questioned, still in shock that I decided to drive into the woods.

"We needed to get away from them! Give me some credit here!" I argued, looking over at him.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" He shouted at me suddenly, and I jerked my vision back towards where the car was going.

The land suddenly dipped downwards as it turned into a hill. The change startled me, and I didn't notice the tree heading straight towards us.

"MICHA!" Jungkook yelled to get my attention. I turned the steering wheel to the right to stop myself from hitting it, but I didn't turn in time, causing the back of the car to suffer the consequences.

The back end of the car hit the tree, crushing the trunk and shattering the rear windshield. The two of us ducked down, and I flinched as the tiny splinters of glass flew towards the front of the car. I sat up once the coast was clear, and grimaced as I slowly looked over at Jungkook.

"Are you mad?" I asked softly, and he blinked a few times in surprise.

"I don't really know what just happened, but you just got us out of the police's way, so no."

I sighed with relief. This would be a lot more difficult if he was upset with me.

"But the police are probably calling even more backup to come search for us, so we should make a run for it while we can." Jungkook suggested, and I nodded. 

We opened our car doors and stepped out, but didn't hear anything. The entire forest was silent, with an eerie feel to it... I didn't like this one bit.

"Let's just go." Jungkook stated, and we trekked away from the car and through the forest.

My mind was having trouble processing this... Were we finally safe? Or was the trouble only just starting?

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