Chapter 4.

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"Gone, what do you mean, gone?" I questioned what I was hearing. My mate, my true love, my beautiful goddess was gone. Sonia nodded her head, she was sitting in her rocking chair on the porch but she wasn't moving.

"Yes, I'm sorry Jasper. We wanted to call and say something but this is a family matter and this isn't the first time she's just vanished. It's happened many times. Sometimes she just wants to be left alone, she needs to be away from everything and everyone sometimes. She'll come back Jasper, she'll definitely come back to you. She's been looking for you for a long time."
Maybe Sonia was right, she needed to get away. Was I not being a good mate?
"Nonsense, you are being the mate she needs you to be. Never doubt yourself to her, she'll never stop loving you, never."

"You can read my thoughts, like Edward?"

"I didn't want to say anything because it wasn't my place to say. It was Aliseia's, you are her mate so it should be her that speaks. But I'll say this, rain or shine, Heaven or Hell. She is not evil." Her words confused me, I wanted to ask but was interrupted.

"Gran we found a scent trail!" It was Kaleb, he came out of the woods shirtless, panting.

"Where too? Which direction?" She asked him standing from her chair.

"Not direction, place. We found a place where it has a scent trail. It's like she just appeared there and walked around." He wasn't making much sense but it was enough for me.

"Take me there, now." I demanded, Kaleb nodded his head.

Sonia started following us, she was pretty fast. Along the way my family appeared, they followed. We got to a clearing in the forest, no trees only field and a single bolder that sat in the center. Her family was sitting, waiting for us. Once they saw us Jessica hugged Sonia.

"Do you think we can find her this time Ma?" Jessica was so scared right now, she was afraid of losing a child that wasn't even hers.

"We'll find her, she's here. I can fell her power, it feels like a flowing piece of ribbon. Moving, twisting, weaving it's way around this field. It's here, she's here. Somewhere." Everyone looked around the field but no one dared move to enter it, it was like a force was keeping them out. I closed my eyes and opened everything else, that's when I heard it. I heard her.


It was echoing all around me but I know it came from the field. Taking a deep breath, a sweet like honey scent hit my nose. Opening my eyes I knew, I knew where she was. I started to walk straight, moving past everyone and everything. Just taking a few steps, I found myself seeing things I haven't seen in so long. They were only small pieces but I saw them. My memories as a human.  They started moving away from me until I was back in the field and the memories were gathering around the bolder. I looked back at everyone, waving them to come forward. Slowly they did and followed behind me, we reached the bolder and stopped.

"What is that?"
"I see pictures in it." The twins were standing behind Robert and Jessica as they watched.

"It's almost like images of memories, right Mother?" Robert asked her, Sonia looked at them.

"They just might be memories but are they hers or someone else's?" Sonia asked hoping someone would have any kind of answer.

"What would happen if we touch it?" William asked looking like he wanted to touch it, all the brothers had that look. Even Emmitt had that look.

"Let's find out," I spoke and reached out. My fingertips lightly grazed the rim when it shot out, covering everyone and everything inside the field in darkness.

No one could see what was right in front of them, it wasn't until small little specks of light began appearing, floating around the whole field. Looking around in amazement at the sight something caught our attention, the little ball of energy above the bolder began to move like a ridden in the air. Floating, waving around and inside these ribbons, we could voices, smell fresh flowers and desert dirt. It smelled like Texas when I was human. A stream of images caught everyone attention when right in front of them was two younger versions of me and Aliseia. Did she and I already meet? Did we meet before I was turned, did I know some ancestor of Aliseia?

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