Chapter 5.

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The ribbons twisted around everyone until we stood in a town. It was a dirt path, old west town, the town I would have seen in my days as a human. I looked around until Alice pointed out a young man with his back to us, when he turned around I was shocked. It was me, the human me. This was a time before I was turned, a time where I felt joy, hope, love. Love. That word bounced in my head, I was dazed for a moment. I saw the younger me walked towards me, it seemed like he would run right into me but instead he went right through.

"They can't see or feel us, these must be memories. We are here only to watch." Sonia was right still something felt off, something felt like it was missing. Something important but what is it? I can't remember, why can't I remember?

We'll now be going into the past so now pov for anyone, there's the past.

In a busy dirt town, everyone was moving around. Buying goods, drinking, gambling. Some could feel it, feel that a war was coming and they were right. It was June 6th, 1862, the Civil War was moving fast. Men dying, brother killing brother. Vampires raising armies to move against their own kind and humans were caught in the middle of it. But this town did not see it, so they went on with their normal lives. In this town arrived a group of soldiers for the Confederate army, among them was an eighteen-year-old Jasper Whitlock. No one knew that he had lied about his real age, he was quickly moving up in the ranks and as of right now he was already a Texan Major. Jasper and the group ride up into the town seeing everyone going about their lives. As they dismounted a small commotion could be heard a few streets down but they choose to ignore it. As they walked down the street and towards the saloon they began to hear shouting. Running from around the corner came a young woman, her pale skin, long legs and white/silver hair flowed in the wind as she ran away. Jasper was stunned at the sight of her, he was amazed and interested in her. But what caught his attention was the bleeding cut on her right arm and the men chasing her. As she passed the group her head turned and their eyes met, at that moment it was love at first sight, at least for Jasper. He tried to stop her but she kept running so he decided to give her some distance. He moved and stopped the men from chasing her any further. They had an argument that was broken up when the sheriff stepped in. The men left and Jasper faced the direction where the white-haired girl had disappeared to. He wanted to find her, speak to her, touch her, he wanted her. But no one seemed to want to speak about her, not even if he asked.

That night while the men were drinking in the saloon, having random women with them Jasper sat away from them, he was lightly sipping on a beer thinking of her. His friends came over and started talking but he couldn't hear their words, the only words he wanted to hear wasn't there and he feared that he'd never get the chance. It wasn't until the voices and music suddenly stopped when someone walked in the saloon. Jasper was just staring at the ground until someone stepped in front of him, someone wearing a black dress. Jasper slowly looked up to be met with long white hair. He just stared at her, she wore a thin veil over her face it slightly covered her lips. Jasper slowly stood up and bowed his head.

"I am Major Jasper Whitlock ma'am."

She looked at him, reaching out her arm lightly touching his hair with her fingertips then his face. Even if it was just her fingertips Jasper wanted to feel more of her touch, he wanted to be touched by her. When she pulled her hand away and turned, Jasper was stunned for a moment until she had reached the door, she looked back then left. Jasper quickly moved to catch her. He stepped onto the road and looked around, searching for her. Finding her at the end of the road leading outside of town, he chased after her. He soon found himself in a forest in the dead of night, he looked for her but could barely see. Just when he thought he would have no choice but to turn back, he began to hear a voice. One voice echoing throughout the forest, they sounded like they were singing.

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