Chapter 15.

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How is everyone liking the story? Is it alright for you? Things will kinda slowly follow the movie of Breaking Dawn pt. 1&2. I do plan on adding new characters, especially one that will bring the end of Aliseia. There I said it!! Be prepared people, Jasper, I'm sorry but you about to suffer even more.


I don't think anyone could have guessed that this would happen, I think no one could ever guess that something like that would happen during this important moment in my life. Here I am, trying to believe what I'm seeing. I was once in the house, our bedroom when I heard her. Rushing for her in the indoor garden, where she was leaning forward clenching her stomach in pain. I ran to her and tried to help her but what could I do? I was lost and soon, we both would be. What lead to this? Why is this happening?


Aliseia and I were in the indoor garden, she was sending a prayer for the baby. I was just watching her, her energy was flowing around her and into the plants. I smiled seeing she was relaxed and at peace, seeing her like this made me happy. It'll be time soon for the baby to come, we both were excited and scared at the same time. Bella was doing much better after listening to Ali's advice and getting the infant what it wants. Blood. Bella was doing much better thanks to Aliseia's help. Edward was slowing growing closer to the baby too so pretty much everyone was happy, for now. The risks are still there but no one said anything, they only waited and prayed. Ali asked me to get her book from our room so she could read, I smiled. Going over and kissing her head before leaving to head to our room to get her book. While I was there, I couldn't find it where it would normally be. I looked around until I found it, opening the book touching the back of the cover.

To my sweet Aliseia, child of the moon and one with life. Always remember that not every prayer and wish will be heard but She will try her best to help guide you.

The words of her Mother, this is the last thing she has that holds her Mother's words. I smiled as I touched her words, the She her Mother speaks about must be the Moon Goddess she worships. I smile again before everything falls apart, that every moment I hear my beloved wife scream. Dropping the book I rush to her, seeing her on the garden floor in pain. I went to her, wondering if it was the baby or something else. My heart dropped the moment I saw blood on the stone ground. My whole world froze as fear was all I felt. I didn't know what to do, how do I save them both? I rushed for the phone before returning to her, Carlisle quickly picked up.

"Jasper, what's happening?" He asked before I could answer Aliseia screamed. "I'm coming!" He shouted before hanging up, I held Aliseia the best I could. The blood wouldn't stop flowing, I didn't know how to stop the blood. Carlisle, please hurry! That's when Aliseia started moving, I tried to hold her still but she wouldn't let me, she started crawling her way into the house and tried to make it up the stairs. 

"What is it? What can I do to help you?" I asked her while she was paying on the stairs, breathing heavily. She looked up the stairs.

"Book," was all she could say before doubling over in pain. I rushed up the stairs to get her book, rushing back down to her she was breathing quickly. Kneeling in front of her holding out the book, it flew opened and flipped through the pages. Until it stopped on blank pages, staring at the pages as words began glowing on both pages. Each page had a few sentences on it reading a language that was ancient. 

Lăsați lumina Zeitei Lunii să strălucească. Lasă puterea ei să dea putere celor ce o cer de la ea. Dă-i copilului voința de a trăi.

Lasă nepoata Zeitei Lunii să-și ia prima suflare. Moartea Zeita, strălucește!

(Let the light of the Moon God shine. Let her power give power to those who ask her for it. Give the child the will to live.)

(Let the grandchild of the Moon Goddess take its first breath. Moon Goddess, shine!)

The book shined as the whole house was engulfed in light, everything was covered in burning light of white. I covered my eyes, shielding myself from the light that shined from the book. 

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