Chapter 42 - Systematic

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A while later, I lay on the south beach at the Waterfall taking advantage of the sunlight streaming in at the edge of the sand. Fiber-optic cables carried sunlight to the entire city, but there was no substitute for the warmth of direct sunlight. The engraving from the graveyard about Gail of the Abbey was on my mind.

Joseph's voice startled me. "You haven't seen Robert pass through here, have you?"

I propped myself on my elbows and looked back at him. "No. Haven't seen him since lunch. Everything okay?"

"I wish I knew." He looked concerned. "Euan said he never showed up back in the mine after lunch. He's not answering his door either."

I shifted on the sand toward Joseph and adjusted my purple bikini. "That doesn't sound like Robert."

"I have some people looking for him. Mind helping?"

I shook my head. "I'll see what I can do." I got to my feet, dusted sand off my legs, and grabbed my sandals.

After asking around in the Commons, Gardens, and Library, I figured I'd try his room again.

In front of Robert's quarters, Artie stood over Euan, who held a tension wrench against the lock while quickly moving a pick back and forth inside. Joseph supervised from behind.

"No one's seen Robert," I said.

"Maybe he was the murderer all along." Euan sounded serious. "Decided it was time to get out of here."

Joseph folded his arms across his chest. "No, not Robert."

Euan cursed, pulling the pick from the lock. "Had to make the new locks nearly unpickable, didn't you, Artie?"

"No need to worry." Artie wore a confident smile. "I timed the locks exactly for your speed. You'll have no problem picking it if you'll go as fast as you can."

Euan gave Artie a flat stare. "Says the guy not picking the lock." He glanced at Joseph. "You might wanna send someone to the city entrance to make sure Robert's not trying to flee or let Hunters in the gate."

"I'll do it," I said.

Joseph nodded. "Alright. Hurry back."

I headed off toward the town square, but click stopped me in my tracks.

"It's about time," Euan said.

When I turned, Euan opened the door and his expression turned dark, angry. "Son of a..."

Joseph shook his head. "No need to check the entrance. We found Robert."

The looks on their faces told me all I needed to know. We'd just lost another citizen of Winter's Edge.


Everyone was gathered in the town square as Joseph stood on the East Bridge. Its base filled with people anxiously awaiting the announcement.

"We've lost another citizen. Robert Kovach was found dead in his room an hour ago. The door was locked, and his key was on him, just like Braden. The knife that murdered him was from Kat's Kitchen, and we managed to lift prints from it this time, so we may have some answers soon." That stirred the crowd a little. "Robert's the second Watcher we've lost. Someone among us is systematically taking down our Watchers—our first line of defense against Hunters. Please be diligent about reporting any unusual behavior or activities."

The crowd began to talk amongst themselves, speculations flying.

"What does this mean?" Murph said.

Joseph's gaze fell for a moment. "Well, if I were working for the Hunters, the first thing I'd do if I wanted to get them into the city would be to eliminate the Watchers so we can't see them coming. Next, I'd figure out how to find the city entrance while on a supply run. Then I'd leave instructions on finding our city entrance at a dead drop. It's possible that one of us has been turned by the Hunters during a supply run."

"Someone sold us out?" Kat sounded incredulous.

Joseph shook his head. "We don't know. It's possible."

Lena spoke up. "If our locks won't keep us safe, what do you expect us to do?"

Artie was next to sound off in his speedy cadence. "I'll be changing all of the locks on every door in the Private Quarters tomorrow. They'll be impossible to pick."

"The supply run's been moved up to tonight," Joseph said. "Kat, Murph, Lena, Jesse, Ian, Artie, and Abby—be ready by 7pm sharp. Let's go people." He looked at me. "Help Ian get packed up."

I nodded, and Ian and I headed to the Private Quarters.

Joseph was right. Unless we caught this killer quickly, it was only a matter of time before the Hunters made it into the city and wiped us all out.

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