Chapter 68 - Subversive

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I ate breakfast, then ate some more breakfast. And when I was done, I had some more breakfast to go with my breakfast. My body craved food, trying to replenish its calories and nutrients.

After eating, I got a couple hours more sleep, then hobbled to Kat's Kitchen for some lunch.

Kat helped me into a chair, then sat beside me. "You feeling okay?"

I put a hand to my head and groaned. "I feel like I was just run over by a car, actually."

Kat laughed, amused. "And I'd do it again."

I had to laugh, too. I wasn't sure I could be mad with Kat since she'd saved my life, even if she had told everyone about my powers. "Thanks for coming back for me."

"It was worth it for the great story I got out of it. Who else can say they ran over their friend at a hundred-seventy miles an hour to save their life?" Kat gave a clever chuckle.

"So everyone thinks Ian is the murder?"

"Yeah." Kat shrugged. "About the only thing that would change anyone's mind now is if another dead body turned up."

"Unless I can prove otherwise before that happens."

Kat raised an eyebrow. "And how do you plan to do that, Goldilocks?"

"By finding the killer."

She frowned. "You just aged yourself a few years by using your powers too much and now you're gonna use them again to find the killer? Are you crazy or do wrinkles just turn you on?"

"Ew." I wrinkled my face. "That's gross."

"Hey, ya never know." She shrugged. "You have to wonder about women who date old geezers."

I rolled my eyes at her bluntness. "I have to find the killer before someone else turns up dead. And if I can clear Ian's name, maybe I can find him and get him back here."

"Good luck with that."

She didn't have to say it—I knew it was a long shot.

"And he's never gonna find his way back," she said. Did she even want him back in Winter's Edge?

"Maybe he'll go back to the safe house," I said.

"If he got away from those Hunters, that's probably the first place he went. As far as he knows, we'll never show up there again." Kat shook her head. "He's not coming back, Abby. You need to let him go."

Kat had a pretty cynical view of the world. It was her way of not getting her hopes up so she couldn't be let down. And sometimes, it was her way of being a friend. She probably didn't think Ian was still alive...or she really didn't want him back. I couldn't understand that, though. She had nothing against Ian as far as I knew.

"I'm not gonna lose him."

"Doesn't matter, anyway," she said. "You'll never find him."

"Well, gee." I gave her a flat stare. "You're real encouraging."

Kat smiled smugly. "I know, right?"


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