Chapter 88 - Of Water & Fire

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ABBY'S body jerked, and more blood marks appeared under her skin. I should have been worried, but I wasn't. My mind was clear. Thoughts flowed more freely. Ideas sprang up more readily.

This power that flowed through me was amazing. It was like a vast, untapped well of power resting just beneath my flesh. Peaceful, but ready to strike at any moment.

Something within urged me to use it, to let it out to play. And I did.

I needed no negative emotions to kindle its wrath. There was no wrath to be kindled. I simply pushed out an extension of myself that flowed through the air. When I touched Rawlins' threads of power holding Joseph and Asa, I smiled at him. With a strong push, the power sliced right through the invisible threads. Joseph and Asa dropped to the ground with a thud, and my energy returned to me. That must be why Rawlins didn't like Telekinetics.

Joseph shook his head and pushed himself to his feet beside me. Asa stood and brushed off her clothes. She harrumphed under her breath.

"My patience wears thin, Mr. Sharp." Rawlins arm around Abby's neck tightened and he pushed the gun against her temple harder. "Surrender is really your only option unless you want to sacrifice the lives of all your friends."

I wasn't worried about his threats. If we died in the standoff, it would be preferable to living collared under the torture of Hunters. And from what I knew of the citizens of Winter's Edge, they probably felt the same.

I sensed the river flowing behind the Hunters, the energy dancing in the matter that made up the water. It gave me an idea.

Silently, I thanked Emma for her mischievous character, then leaned over to Joseph. "When I say now, spark the water with everything you've got. Do it twice."

He looked back at me with a frown.

"Just do it," I said.

Joseph's expression melted away, then he nodded. The air around me came alive with static. The hair on my arms rose. Immense power drew toward Joseph.

Brother Lawrence smiled at me, then turned his gaze toward Rawlins. "I'm sorry, sir, but she's coming with me."

The prompting to use my powers rose within me once more. Without moving a muscle, I reached out toward the river that lay behind the Hunters and lifted its water high into the air. Before, that much weight would've been impossible to lift and probably would've crushed me. But the greater power made it bearable.

Brother Lawrence vanished, then appeared in front of Rawlins, his hands attached to Abby. Rawlins' eyes lit with rage. He squeezed the trigger just as the monk disappeared into black smoke with Abby's body. Rawlins and the other Hunters were left exposed without a bargaining chip.

"If I can't recruit or collar any of you," Rawlins said in a dark tone, "then I guess I'll have to kill you."

I spread out the river water above the Hunters just as Rawlins gave the signal to fire.

"Now," I shouted, then dropped the water.

As it fell, it separated into thousands of droplets, drenching the Hunters. Joseph's hands lit up with brilliant arcs of light that discharged through the Hunters and through the droplets. They split into hydrogen and oxygen, instantly drying the Hunters clothes. The Hunters seized as electricity jumped through their bodies, then dissipated.

Joseph sent another bolt of electricity through the air. The hydrogen and oxygen erupted into flames, tearing through the Hunters. They screamed out in agony as the air all around them burned.

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