Chapter 1. Lovely Day

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Author's note

Hi there 💕

I recently wanted to redo many things for this story, I believe that I began to write about a year or two ago. I appreciate how many people are enjoying this story that about 95k people( last time I checked) have read or have just took a quick look at this story, which I appreciate all of you.

I am thankful to all of you who supported and are still supporting this story.

If you have this saved in your library or are still reading this story, I am going to be updating this story here and there when I get the chance. I will be changing certain things that either bothering me such as grammar or the plot line to make it flow.

Side note the comments may get scrambled here and there that might be out of place....Just FYI.

I also wanted to give a shoutout to @stopbeingsohorny for willing to contact me and volunteering to helping me edit this story. They did not need to help me out, but I am so appreciative towards their time out of their day to help me out. Thank you for helping me to get started on of what to edit <3.

Feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations to help benefit this story whether be to fix something, add, or take something out. Which we can discuss in private messages.

Enjoy the story 💕

It was a peaceful morning in the city of New York. The birds singing their morning songs, the beautiful sunrise starting to color the once dark sky, the morning sun rays now beginning to seep through your window and awaken you. The smell of freshly baked cookies from the bakery next door also influenced you out of your deep slumber. The sounds of parents rushing their children out of the house to make in time for school when they themselves are half asleep was the usual rowdiness that awaited you in the mornings.

It was a wonderful morning all in all. The only problem was; you are not a morning person.

The alarm clock filled your room with the annoying ring that made you feel like you lived in a bell tower. You smashed the alarm clock off with careless brute force just to shut it up, but not enough to break it to pieces despite you secretly wanting it to.

You got yourself to get up from bed lazily, but once you tried to stand up your feet were asleep and sent your body stumbling to the ground as if you had no bones at all. 

'Just my luck.' Ran through your mind as you lay on the ground helplessly, wondering if responsibilities were really worth this much effort.

You dragged your heavily relaxed body to the kitchen to make yourself some nice warm coffee that would hopefully help you get through the day. Your feet were finally waking up from the numbing pain they caused you and began to be some kind of aid to your sluggish movements.

While the coffee was being brewed, you fixed yourself some sausages, eggs, and some toast. Since you woke up this early; you decided to treat yourself a bit.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket and played some Louis armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and some Billie Holiday to relax yourself as you were cooking your meal, allowing the melody to soothe you and calmly energise your brain. Depending on the mood, you would go for some 90s or early 2000s music in the morning, but your mood felt light hearted and had a need for some soft jazz today which was a good choice as you found yourself mindlessly dancing around the kitchen by the time everything was done and ready to be eaten.

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