Chapter 18. Wonderful World

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You woke up groggy with a dry throat.

Great. Just great.

You reached over towards your nightstand to find that there was no glass of water.

Of all times to be thristy. No water.

You dragged yourself out of the bed and went to the bathroom. You checked yourself and it looked like a bird decided to make a nest in your hair.

You sighed.

You quickly brushed it to place and washed your face to wake yourself up.

You quietly opened the door.

Once you opened your door, you already saw Loki sitting in the kitchen dining room face away from you.

Then an evil smirk formed on your lips.

You quietly tipped toed over towards Loki to try to sneak up on him.

" I don't know what you are plotting, but it's not going to work." Loki said while turning a page.

" Am I that loud?"

" No, But...." Loki pointed towards the kitten on the floor rubbing against his legs.

" You, sly bastard."

" That is probably the best compliment I have ever received." Loki smirked.

" That's depressing."

" Have you seen my life?"

" Point taken."

You sighed.

" So whatcha reading?" you asked as you started to make some coffee.

" Some random book I picked off your shelf." Loki stated.

" What is it about?"

" Well so far it's about this society that is divide people in sections of land." Loki started to explain. " The government sound terribly runned by high classed political figures.They send the youth to an arena that they have to fight to death till the last one is standing. I think the main girl is conflicted with her feeling with a boy who is a good hunter, but also fancies a boy who can bake bread."

You chuckled.

" It's not that bad, but in my opinion she should pick the boy who is a hunter who has known her longer. The boy who can bake bread is just useless. All he can do is lift a sack of flour on his shoulder."

" Well...."

"No spoiling, please." Loki interrupted.

You held your hands up in defense.

" So are you still 'keeping' the kitten?" you grabbed yourself a mug and Loki one too.

" I still debating." Loki replied. " Not sure if I want the kitten for affection, a spy, or a prank on either one of them."

" You want me to make a pick?"

" Yes. please. I am conflicted."

" Remember the snake story Thor told us?" You passed the coffee to Loki. " Creamer?"

" I'm listening." Loki put down. " but Yes please."

You whisper in his ear to be cautious if one of the boys are awake.

" You are more devious than you look." Loki smirked.

" I have siblings you know." you smiled.

Suddenly you notice Thor started to shift, but finally got himself up. His hair was all over the place.

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