Chapter 2. Under Pressure

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As everyone left the room, all that was left now we're two murderous psychopath brunettes and two buff blondes that shine so bright that you have to wear a pair of sunglasses to even look in the same direction as them or else you will go blind.

"My name is Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you." He gave you a firm handshake.

"Likewise." You responded.

" Greetings, I am Thor, god of thunder." He also gave you a firm handshake but you knew that he was holding back his real strength back.

" Pleasure."

" I believe I already introduced myself." He gave you a handshake, but you could tell that he doesn't interact with people that often.

"Yes I believe you did." You replied. 

After you were done shaking everyone's hand, you stopped and you just stared at Loki's face showing no emotion.

" I already know of your existence, so there is no point of a greeting." Your sarcasm was slowly rolling off your tongue again.

" Rude. Barnes gotten a chance to shake your hand. So what can I?" He force a frown to make you feel pity for him, but it takes more than that to earn your trust.

" Sorry, I didn't know you that your opinion mattered?" You said coldly

"Well shall we get on with the show so it can be over already." You can tell that you pushed his buttons, but you also fear that he could cut your throat in your sleep.

"Better now than never, I guess." I whispered under my breathe but loud enough for them to hear your words.

You huffed as the four pairs of footsteps followed you as you walked out of the room.

So this is what a mother duck feels like. It's weird.

As the five of you crossing the streets to cross to the otherside to get to your car, but you're wondering thoughts were interrupted by Thor yelling.

" Watch where thou is going, you sELF DRIVING CARRIAGE!!! "  He said ready to fight the taxi that almost ran him over with a fist in the air. 

" Thor, we don't have time for this!" Loki scolded his brother while pulling his cape.

The skinny younger brother pulled his built older brother away from a fight with metal on wheels and continued on crossing the street.

" So do you guys have a place to stay or something?"

"Well I know for a fact that the god brothers don't have a place, Bucky here doesn't have a place, and... well my apartment was compromised." He said staring at Bucky dead in the eye.

" It wasn't my fault, I swear." Bucky defensively with his hands in the air.

" What about Stark Tower?"

" We maybe the most dangerous people on this planet, but we are the most clumsy people ever." Steve said. " Plus Tony kicked us out because it is costing him money to repair all the damage we caused in the Tower."

That cheapskate.

"Well I guess it settles it then... I guess my place is the only option." it felt terrifying that these dangerous full grown men are going to be living with you under the same roof as you.

The five of you got into your car and drove to your apartment and got there safely. Finally you  reached inside the apartment. Your apartment was on the top floor which required an elevator for transportation. When Bucky, Steve, Thor, and Loki went into the elevator, you pressed your button for your floor.

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