Chapter 27. Another Brick in the Wall

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" You know... I would give you a hug right now, but that knife is threatening my life at the moment... is telling a different story, No?" Pietro chuckled.

"Oh... my bad." You pulled the knife away from his neck to place it back on the counter and helped him up from the floor.

"How the hell did you stop me from speeding around?" Pietro asked.

"I just stuck out my foot out and hoped for the best."

Pietro chuckled.

You smiled.

You didn't really know what started this friendship, but you were thankful that you had this type of friendship. You thought it was because of being friends with Wanda. She was one of your close friends that were apart of the avengers. Besides Natasha. Wanda was very shy at the beginning of your friendship but you helped her open up. Then suddenly, Pietro came into the picture. Yet you believe that the friendship started to grow more once the two would give each other couple pet names when you would see each other, but mostly it was being around his sister.

"How are you, Princessa?" Pietro said while pulling you into a hug.

"Been better, Speedy." You hugged him back. " How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"It has been a while, but I have been doing well this past two months. Been exploring more of America on my spare time. All the food here is really fattening." He replied.

"Well  that's good and yes.... American food is fattening."you chuckled. "Quick question?"

"Ges?" His accent has been getting less heavy, but his english still needs to get a bit better.

" Why on earth are you here at the tower?"

"Well I was in the area and what harm would it be to stop by..."

You gave him a questioning look.

"My sister is spending her quality time with the red android phone with a body." Pietro confessed.

"Wanda and Vision? So are they like dating...?"

"Most definitely yes. My sister thinks that she is sly enough to hide their relationship from the team, but I know she spends her spare time with that smart phone."

"You know this how?"

" I had a hunch they were having some quality time together at times. So I decided to put two and two together and came to a conclusion that they are dating."

"You know your sister can read minds right?" You said. "She probably already knows that you know if they are seeing each other."

"Well.. lately my sister is trying to limit herself from entering people's minds and leave them to their privacy....On the other hand, I'm her flesh and blood so... that rule doesn't really apply to me at times." Pietro explained.

"Makes sense." You commented.

"Now I have a question for you, Princessa..." He began. "Why are you here in the tower?"

Before you could answer, Thor entered the room a bit out of breath.

"My apologies, Lady (y/n). I woke up not so long ago and I was busy doing stuff." Thor smiled. "Greetings, Silver Speedster. How nice of you to stop by."

"Hello, Thor." Pietro smiled.

Suddenly Loki burst through the the door.


" I only gave you a pat on the back and suddenly you tumbled forward down the stairs." Thor argued.


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