Chapter 45. A Bittersweet Goodbye

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It has been several months  since you and Bucky were in that accident. Your recovery was a bit slower than Bucky's... well because he is superhuman none the less and he wasn't impelled in the chest with a metal pole. 

Steve took care of Bucky like a mother hen over her chicks which was a normal day for Bucky barnes. Thor and Loki would come and hang out with Bucky to see how he was doing which was almost every other day. They would spend there day's in your apartment, which you offered, and would spend more time to hang out to "learn more" about more of the modern world as an excuse to use with Fury so they can spend more time with each other

It was a surprise to see other people to come over to your house as well. 

The Twins would come over the most often. It was fun to have them around the apartment since they brought themselves as entertainment. After a few times of visiting,  Pietro found out that Loki was actually cool to hang out, if you get passed by the murderous psychotic manic he is. At times, Both Pietro and Loki would play a few pranks on each other and would play pranks on the other avengers in the Tower or headquarters. They would do little things here and there to make people frustrated or annoyed. One time, Pietro gave Loki an idea to make cut out versions of insects and stick them to the inside part of the lampshades, but Loki, being Loki, took things too literally. He decided to conjuring those paper cut outs, whenever someone was near, and transform them into real insects. 

Even though Thor was Loki's favorite victim for pranks, Steve was becoming Loki's favorite victim. 

Every time Loki had the chance to mess with Steve, which he would and every time Steve would be clueless every time. It was very enjoying for Thor because he was no longer the victim of Loki's cruel pranks, but Thor knew that this was Loki's version of getting along with people. He would do the basic things as like putting pop-its under the toilet seat so that when he sits down to use it. 

Boom. Instant heart attack. 

Wanda would bond with Thor by braiding each others hair and telling each other their Stupid yet hilarious story about their brothers. It was nice for Wanda to share or relate about these topics, but it was nice to have someone to talk to about troublesome brothers. She viewed Thor as the cool overprotective cousin. She would say Older brother, but that title is taken by her biological brother.... At times. Sometimes Thor will take Pietro's title of brother when she was pissed at him. 

Steve and Bucky, being the father figures they are, would always keep the twins in check because of there reckless attitudes. 

Sam took up with your offer of you making him cookies and visited your house once Once he stepped into your apartment, he came to a realization that he would never be in the same room with Loki and Bucky again.

 Words were said. 

Hearts were broken. 

Wounds were made. 

That's the end of it. 

Nastasha, just like Steve, was very motherly with you when you were on recovery. Even though she believes that pain is for the weak type of mentality, She would force you to always lie down and get whatever you needed and would make you russian dishes she knew how to make. At times she would kick out the boys out of your own house when they would get annoying for her. 

Clint, being the Dad he is, would come along with Natasha and bring any necessities that Natasha told him to get from the store. He even went out of his way to make his delicious homemade Potato balls with some meat with cheese in the middle and your favorite coffee from down the street just for you. Clint was forced to give some to Natasha or else she would have his Butt hanged on the wall like a dear head like in that one episode of spongebob. 

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