Chapter 4. Take it or leave it

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The plan was in motion. Your plan was to go to the mall and get all the supplies and the clothing for the four men who are now living with you. Steve and Bucky were a bit ok, but they need more clothes since they either looked old fashioned or like a homeless person. On the other hand, Thor and Loki needed new clothes to not draw attention to themselves, but then again they already do that. The only issue is that you are not rich.

" Hello? Tony are you in there? Friday? Bueller? Anyone? Anyone?" You said while banging on the door of Stark Tower. Apartantly Tony decided to lock everything that gave access to the the tower.

" Mr. Stark said he does not want to be disturbed at the moment. He is busy." replied Friday.

" Friday, Could you please tell him that it is important that I speak to him?"

A few silent second passed.

" I am sorry, but he is really busy at the moment. I think it would be best if...."

" Tell him I will buy him I will buy his favorite bottle of scotch!!!!"  you were fed up and you needed the money now.

" Just a moment miss."

I am going to kill him.

About a minute passed and the doors finally opened. The five of you entered the elevator and thor was looking around the metal box or whatever he calls it.

You all stepped out of the elevator and entered the top floor.

" Well I haven't been here in such a long time." Loki smirked. " Ah, good times."

Tony was at his desk with a cup of scotch in hand.

" And then you threw me off my tower, destroyed my home, and most of New York.  That is memory I will cherish forever." He said taking a swig at his drink.

Loki and Tony were both having a staring contest to the death.

The tension is real.

You looked at the both of them. Thor decided to take a seat alongside with bucky. Steve stood by them.

"Um.. Stark. Hey. I need a favor."  you decided to end the stare down because it was taking too long.

" What do you need that requires to come to my house instead over a text."  he said bluntly.

" I need to borrow... wait let me rephrase that. I need you to give me money." you decided to cut to the chase.

" And your need is?..." He said finishing his cup of scotch.

You pointed to the four men in the room. " I need money to buy supplies and clothes for an army."

Tony raised his eyebrow. " You mean that you need to borrow my money, right?"

You chucked. " No honey, I mean you give me your money."

He just glared at you. " Fine. How about I give you 300 hundred dollar?" he said pulling out three hundred from his wallet.

You just looked down at his hand and looked back at him. " Really?" you were disappointed. " You are a billionaire. Can't you spare a few more? "

Tony looked so done with you, but he reached back to wallet and pulled out three more hundred dollars. " Is this enough?"

" Yes." You snatched the money from his hands. " Come on boys we are going shopping."

The four boys got up to go to the exit.

" Thanks, Stark. I promise to get you a nice big bottle."  you yelled while heading to the elevator.

" Please do." he yelled back.

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