Chapter 34. Let Me Explain

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Both You and Loki appeared in your apartment, both of you giggling like idiots about what you both just did. Along with Loki still holding onto your wrist.

Bucky jumped causing him to drop the book he was reading as the two of you appeared in the room. " Where the hell have you two been?!"

Loki quickly let go of your wrist. You looked at Bucky and notice that he actually concern in his eyes.

" Let's just say..." You explained. " Tony had it coming."

" Ok." Bucky just shrugged his shoulders and went back to whatever he was doing.

You and Loki looked at each other in confusion.

Steve sighed as he stopped from making dinner. " Buck.."

" What...?" Bucky turned to Steve. " She said Tony deserved it so..."

Steve gave Bucky a look.

  " Steve, you know how Tony feels about me when I am even in the same room as me and about my past." Bucky declared.   

" I know, Buck...." 

" Good." Bucky interrupted. " Now we are on the same page."

Bucky picked up the book and started to read were he left off.

Steve instantly felt terrible for bring it up. You also instantly felt bad for Bucky. You took a quick glance at Loki and you could tell that he had a hint of sympathy for him because he is like that with Tony as well.

Thor noticed that Bucky was now uncomfortable and felt sympathy. So Thor moved from the couch and hugged Bucky from behind with his head resting on Bucky's head.

" Steve." Bucky yelled. " Your friendship with me being threatened by a overgrown Labrador. Plus I might keep him."

" Don't worry, Buck. I baked you a whole separate pie."

Bucky's head perked up. " You are forgiven." 

Steve chuckled." Glad to hear that." 

" Just a little bit. I'm still pissed at you."

" So..." Steve shifted his attention towards you and Loki. " What did the both of you do to Tony?"

Loki took a seat down by the kitchen table. " Well... Let's just say that Stark will have some trouble sleeping."

" Basically Loki turned the both of us into ghosts and just moved random stuff around which scared the living crap out of him." You explained.

" You should've had invited me!" Bucky exclaimed.

" I was not aware of your passion of pranks." Loki replied.

" Are you kidding?" Bucky scoffed. " I love them."

" I can confirm. He was the secret prankster in school." Steve added.

This perked Loki's interest. " Like what?"

Steve chuckled at the memories. " There are many of those... Hey Buck, care to share your best ones."

" With pleasure... Kids, sit down cause I don't want to move from his affection that SOMEONE neglects to give me." Bucky pet Thor's head as Thor was still snuggling him.

" I am cooking food for all of us for your information!" Steve asserted. " Or do you want your food to be burnt to a crisp... Your choice." 

Bucky rolled his eyes.

" Anyways.." You interupted. " You were saying Bucky?"

" Alright." Bucky placed his book to the side. " So this was when me and Steve were about 13 at the time. Back then, there were these types of candies that were called candy cigarettes.... Which was very questionable back then, especially for kids."

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