Chapter 32. This is Why

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The four of you stared at the hole in the ceiling, wonder how you were going to tell Tony that his property was destroyed. Again.

" Well... This is quite a mess." Thor stated.

" Gee ya think." Steve scoffed.

" I ain't telling him." Bucky stated.

" We already committed breaking and entering...." You sighed. " I just hope he is in a good mood."

" Well... NOT IT!" Bucky sprinted towards the elevator. " See ya losers!"

" Like hell you are leaving me with this." You followed after him.

Steve turned towards Thor. " Did they just...."

" Yes, Rogers. They did." Thor was not amused.

After Bucky started to press the button in a panic, the door finally opening. Bucky quickly entered the elevator and tried closing the door button  once he got in. Thor and Steve say their and started to sprint towards the elevator. Luckily for you, you made it.

As Thor and Steve were sprinting towards the elevator, the doors closed.

" Dramatic much." You gasped for air after a quick sprint.

" Well... you followed me." Bucky didn't even break a sweat.

Stupid Steroids.

" I am not gonna be the person to be the sacrificial lamb in this situation." You were still gasping for air.

" Steve should be the one to do it." Bucky added.

" Because he is close with Tony?"

" Because he can sweet talk anyone from a Politican to a sweet old lady." Bucky explained. " Back in the 30s, he would talk he way out of very bad situations to the point where he was cool with the cops."

" Wow. How did that happen?"

" Steve busted this kid in our class for help selling heroin." Bucky answered.

" How?!"

" The Moron offered it to Steve." Bucky stated.

You chuckled. " What an idiot."

" That's what I said." 

You wanted to laugh at his remark, but your breath still hasn't caught up with you yet.

" Are you ok, (y/n)?" Bucky was looking at you with worry.

" I'm fine." You huffed. " I haven't' ran like that since I went Black Friday shopping."

" What's that?"

" Think of a massive sale in stores that only happens in one day out of the whole year... Now put that image and put a battlefield in the mix." You explained.

Bucky winced at the thought. " Sounds like more PTSD that I don't want to add to my list of problems."

You smiled.


The elevator finally reach the floor you wanted. As the doors to the elevator finally opened, Thor and Steve were already there on the same floor.

" How did you..." You began.

" You know there are two elevators right?" Steve pointed to the left.

You and Bucky pier over the door and looked to where Steve was pointing to. There was a another elevator not so far from the one you and Bucky race towards.

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