Chapter 24. It Was A Good Day

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After the five of you finished your food and sat on the couch watching TV, There was a comfortable silence that fell upon the room. It wasn't the type of silence that you are obligated to start or continue a conversation, but to just be comfortable with someone's presence than to talk to you.


" Do you peasants want to do something spontaneous?" Loki asked.

" Why 'peasants'?" Steve said making air quotes.

" He is implying that you are all beneath him, but in reality he is just being dramatic." Thor added. " Plus he is taller than the rest of you, except I."

" Well... he is not wrong." Bucky agreed. " But really....Peasant...? I know I sometimes speak old fashion, but you talk the prize."

" Hey?!" Thor retorted.

" Not you,Thor." Bucky explained. " You're an exception."

" Oh...Why thank you, Barnes." Thor smiles.

Bucky leaned to Steve. " I swear I am going to go blind everytime I see that man smile. Why does he smile so much?"

Steve leaned in. " I think he was just born smiling and never stopped."

" Figured." Bucky responded.

" So tell us what is your brilliant idea, Brotha of mine?"

" Don't call me that."

" But you just...." Thor took a deep breath. " You know what. I won't let it infuriate me."

" Well... to be fair...his presence is already infuriating." Bucky added.

" I hate you." Loki scoffed.

" Well, I hate me too." Bucky said.

"Buck...We talked about this." Steve sighed.

"Don't worry." Bucky reassured. "Don't worry, Loki... I hate you too."

"Well that was surprising." Loki rolled his eyes.

"So what's the idea?"

" Well... since we aren't currently busy at the moment, I thought of an idea that can be a bit thrilling."Loki started.

"Look, man." Bucky interrupted. " I just got myself together and I don't want to do more things illegal that will end up with me behind bars."

"We are breaking into Stark's property."

"When do we leave?" Bucky said with excitement.


"What?!" Bucky defended. "That man never lets me touch anything and always gives me looks that make me feel uncomfortable."

Steve rolled his eyes.

"So how are we going to get passed security?" You asked.

"I have already set up a clone already there as we speak."

"Why am I not even surprised?" Thor said out loud.

"You, hush."

"Same goes to you." Thor snapped back.

"How did you get your clone into the building?"

" When we went to Stark's place for money, I let one of my clones wander off to do some exploring."

"What about Tony's Artificial Intelligence?" Steve asked.

"She won't be a bother." Loki explained. " I have persuaded her with my charm."

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