Welcome home

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~(Y/N)'s PoV)~

"Welcome home~" Daniel says tackling me from behind. I laugh regaining me step and turn to hug him. "Do you like the party?" He asks. "Sorry it couldn't be at my place.. Rylan and Dottie made it a mess." He finishes.
        "I love it! Thank you! And I doubt it was just Rylan and Dottie who made the mess." I laugh.
        "Yeah yeah." He says. "Oh! I have something to show you!" He shouts grabbing my wrist and beginning to drag me.
        "I'm commin'" I laugh allowing him to drag me. He takes me to another part of the yard and releases my wrist. He motions for me to stay there and goes behind a tree. After a couple seconds he comes out with a old peace of wood. It takes me bit to process but I soon am able to work out '(Y/N) and Daniel's Treehouse' painted on one side. I gasp and take the wood into my hands.
        "I-I thought it was gone after my parents sold the house.. and even then when they.." I halt for a moment at the memory. "Cut the tree down.." I sigh basically hugging the plank of wood. 
        After my parents sold our house and we moved out I thought they would take the tree house down. But one time as I was visiting Daniel we went to the house, under permission of the owner, only to find the tree that once held me and Daniel's childhood was gone. At that point I knew the sign had to have been gone.
        "When I found out they were cutting down the tree I literally flew to there house and begged them to let me get it. I was gonna tell you that I still had it but I forgot because I was simply excited to see you." He says putting his hand on the sign.
        "Oh.. so I'm guessing your not mad at me?" I ask out of the blue.
        "Why would I be mad at you?!" He asks shocked and seemingly slightly taken aback.
        "I don't know.. after my visit we continued to talk everyday, but one day, you just... stopped answering. I thought I did something and for months my grad dropped dramatically before I finally picked myself up again.. reluctantly." I reply. Glad that he want angry.
        "O-oh I may have.. dropped my phone into the river by my college. Heh.. didn't get a new one till 3rd year there. And once I did, I tried to put your number back and I must've put the wrong one it cause all I got were messages sent but now reply.. I thought you were angry at me for not ever texting back so you wouldn't text me." He says. "That's why I asked (Y/N) on the call. I recognized the number but want 100% sure.."
        "Haha.. I see." I say snatching his phone so I could make my contact name. I name it ' (Y/N) 😉❤️' and giggle as I hand it back he looks at my finger and his eyes go wide a blush appearing on his face.
        "Y-you still have the ring! Let alone your still wearing it!" He says.
        "Yeah! I actually haven't taken it off except to shower and swim since you gave it to me.." I say turning it around on my finger. "Never forgot that day.." I say feeling my own face heat up.
        "Heh.. yeah.." he says pushing his middle fingers to each other. He seems nervous. But then the screen door shoots open and slams.
        "DID YOU DO IT?!" I hear Aphmau shout as her and KC stick her head out from the screen door. "CAN WE DO THE THING?" She continues.
        "Huh.. what do you me-" I get cut off by a screaming and blushing Daniel.
        "NONONONONO" he shouts running over to Aph and grabbing her arm pulling her down so he can whisper in her ear.
        "Fineee." She groans and waves me to come inside. "Never mind... I uhh.. forgot! Next month is your birthday party.. not today!" She laughs nervously.
        "Alrighty.." I laugh. Walking over to the door to join the inside.. only to find Zane screaming the my little horsie theme song. I burst out joining the rest of them. When he finishes he goes to the corner to sulk.
        "Okay.. whose brilliant idea was this?" I ask still laughing. Laurence salutes at me and I high five him. "Nice."

-Time skip brought to you by Daniel being flustered-

        "(YYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNN)!" Aphmau shouts at me in the middle of my conversation with Daniel, Dottie, Rylan and Blaze, or the old pack, and I look up.
        "APHMAUUUUUUU!" I shout back. "YESSSSSS?" I ask.
        "WHAT MOVIE DO YOU WANNA WATCH?!" She shouts back at me. Nope. No one has grown up.
        "(F/M) PLEASE!" I shout back just playing along.
        "ARITE!" She shouts then clears her through. "MOVIE TIMEEEEEE!" she shouts finally and everyone gathers in the living room.
        We all watch (F/M) while munching on popcorn and drinking soda (or juice, water or what yeh like~).
        I was glad to be back with the group, and now even more people. School is over, and time for us to tackle reality. AGH! I need a job! I panic for a short while but soon relax, I'll figure it out. I bet the girls could help anyway. I smile and roll over to Daniel. (You guys were laying on the floor with sleeping bags and pillows). I poke him and giggle he boops me in return and I blush but I just shake my head and return to the move laying next to Daniel. This, is gonna be a great adventure.

960 words

Ahhh... what was Daniel planing hmm? Will he presume that 'plan'? Anyway, I graduate in 2 days.. FINALYYY free from this prison we call ''middle school'. And to the next prison, high school... WHOOP! Anyway, if your graduating as well congrats! And as always...

Have a wonderful day!


An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now