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Okay real quick! I want to have fun with this so there will be some jokes, but if the question is serious for the story it'll be serious! Enjoy~!

Daniel: (Y/N)! Your here!

Chai~Chan: Sorry Daniel, this isn't Cannon.. luv youu~

Zane: Why am I here. I'm supposed to be helping my brother.

???(we know who this is but shhh): I'm right here dingus. But yeah? Why are we here?

(Y/N): I'de rather be home with (bloop). Uh why can't I say his name? ~NO IM NOT SAYING THAT ISHSHAIAN!~

Chai~Chan: Did you guys not here me say this isn't Cannon.. anyway! Were here because... Q&A!! *Jazz hands* Alsooo you can't say his name because readers don't know who (bloop) is yet so shh! And real (Y/N)... hang in there.

(Y/N): What? I am the real (Y/N). Who are you talking to? You can hear me?! Finally someone!

Chai~Chan: Yep. Now anyway! First question is for Daniel from Jimmyneva2008!

Daniel: Ooo I'm first!

Chai~Chai: Okay.. question is "How sad are you that you don't know where (Y/N) is? And how far would you go to get her back?"

Daniel: Say.. we ran out of balls to play with.. even sadder than that! I honestly don't know what I would do with ought her. How far will I go? No lengths, I'll travel as far as I need, I'll go to the moon! I'll go to Pluto! I will get her back!

(Y/N): Uhh.. I don't know you. ~WHAHSIDIOANABDJLAN~

Daniel: ...

Chai~Chan: *hugs Daniel* DONT WORRY EVERYTHING IS OKAY!!

Chai: okay next question! This one is from EmeraldFoxy and they ask, "..can I have a hug from you, you cute innocent cinnamon role smol bean?!??"

Daniel: Of course! I'm always open to hugs, plus.. I really need it right now

-Daniel hugs Emerald-

Chai: She also asks, "..would go on a date with me because I LOVE him!!!"

Daniel: well... you seem super awesome and cool and nice! But I kinda have me heart set on someone else... but we can defiantly hang out!

Chai: welll.. technically you are (Y/N) and Daniel likes (Y/N) sooo.. win win right?

Daniel: CHAI!


Ein: Excuse me?

Basically everyone else: What?

Chai: I control all of your lives just uhhhh... next question!!

Chai: This one is from me.. pleaseee don't hate me for all of this! Yes I know that's not a question... anyway you before I get killed by the reader for the next chapter and the characters... *snaps fingers*


Garroth: What?!

Chai: THE END!

An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now