Saved. (Pt. 1)

473 8 21

~(Y/N)'s PoV~

Wait! Why did I do this! Did he say I love you- My thoughts were racing, my body staring at the ring now fitting perfectly on my fingers, along with a little blood, which made my heart sink, Daniel. I begin pushing so hard, trying to move my body, get it back into my control.
Ein's laughter can be heard from behind me, along with snow crunches. Come on! Move body! Suddenly a flow of anger rushed through me, all Ein has done, from high school to this. It's all gone to far!
What feels like a sudden release comes over my body and I spin around swinging my arm into the side of Ein's face with full force in a punch. His face turns to confusion but as soon as I gained control, I lost it, giving in to whatever was controlling me before.
Nononono! I was snapped out of my efforts to gain control again by a sharp pain on my cheek.
"Don't you dare punch me." Ein growls. "Now! Since Daniel's gone. We just have to get the rest." He says with a raspy voice.
"Yes, Ein." My body says. As we turn though, Aaron, Garreth, and Aphmau standing there, holding potion bottles with a green substance in them. The same color as my eyes had turned.
"Stand down Ein!" Aaron shouts. "We don't want to fight, but we won't hesitate." He continue, holding out his hand, Garroth placing a potion into it.
"Lucinda!" He calls, soon after Lucinda appears in front of him, staff in hand. Soon after that, Aaron throws the potion over them to me, my body begins to dodge, but I again throw all the effort I have back into the falling potion, hoping I can trust what this potion was.
Pain hit my arm and the potion shattered around my arm but soon after, I begin getting control of my body, and finally I had full control.
Ein and Lucinda began running at Aaron, Garreth and Aphmau, unaware I was 'back to normal.' I followed Ein after them, going to tackle Ein. I feel a surge of power push me off the ground into the air, as I come down bringing Ein to the ground. The anticipation of my anger sure gave me some adrenaline. I slid past him towers Aphmau and Garroth, to help after seeing Aaron run after Ein, a hint of red tinting his eyes.

Turning back to Lucinda she runs at me, saying something before a blue strike comes from her staff. Acting fast I jolt to the side throwing myself into the deep snow, that's holding us all back. Before I can get my head out of the snow, I hear glass shatter, much like it had on my arm just before.

I get up, and look over at Lucinda who was looking around confused before coming into realization.

"Oh my Irene.. I'm so sorry guys! I-I don't want to hit you." Lucinda says, I nod, Garroth does the same.

"It's okay Lucinda, we just need to get Daniel back." Aphmau says, leading us to all turn our heads to where Ein had managed to get out of Aaron's punches and grab Daniel's body, now unconscious, which was perviously buried in the snow.

"NO!" I cried out and bursting towards Ein, who was trying to escape. Loud crunches could be heard underneath my feet as my legs, with more power I knew I had, brought me closer to Ein. You saved me, Daniel. I'll save you.


594 words

Hellooo! I was gonna make this a full 1000 word chapter but since I haven't uploaded in a while I want to get something out so here is the first part of 'Saved.' For those still with me tysm! I know I'm taking a l o n g time to update but I've really been contemplating this book, but decided I will finish it, I don't want to let you guys down!

And thank you sososososo much for 7K on Omegas Together, and almost 1K on An Alpha! I've come so much farther than I ever thought I would in a year here and it's all thanks to you guys! I love you so much! And as always, I hope you enjoyed and as always...

Have a wonderful day!


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