Winter break, from Summer?

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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        I watch from the back seat as Garroth and Aaron load in the last suit case of our car. Aaron then goes to his car to start it up.
We had me, Daniel, Katelyn and Lucinda while in Aaron's car there was himself, Aph, Zane, Garroth and Kim. Meaning we got the extra seat! ...Also known as not being squished for multiple hours.
        I wanted to save my data for when we arrived so i was staying off my phone, well until about 15 minutes later when I got bored. Luckily, Daniel being his typical self found something fun to do. He always does, no matter what.
        Many hours later we finally arrive at the mansion. It's bigger than I expected, big, but in poor shape. I press my nose against the window as it nears Daniel right behind me.
        We park outside and we get out, unloading the luggage we had brought. After lugging my suitcase inside I take a good look at where I would be for the next couple weeks. There was a fireplace right near the entrance with couches behind it. The kitchen was to the left, and two stair cases were leading upstairs on opposite sides most likely leading to bedrooms.
After picking our rooms, we hung out for a while, got a feel for the place then settled to go to sleep.

As I shift for the 100th time in my bed, I sit up groaning. I was so tired but -I peak around the dark room- I just can't sleep in the new environment. I shuffle my way off the bed and go to the door, I hope Daniel won't mind me sleeping on the other end..
I stumble down the hallway before finding 'Daniel's door.' I open it only to find the room faintly illuminated by a small Purple Heart nightlight and Aph snuggling up to Aaron. I 'aw' in my head before quietly shutting the door once again. I stumble around once more but end up feeling something.. squishy?
"Hey!" I hear a deep voice say clearly annoyed.
"O-oh my Irene! I'm so sorry!" I say petrified. But soon after the voice turns on the flashlight on his phone and reviles a messy haired Zane. "Zane? What are you doing?"
"Going on a stroll. You?" He asks. I fluster as I was trying to find Daniel's room so I quickly make up a lie.
"I was... gonna use the bathroom!" I say satisfied with my excuse.
"Alright, don't let me stop you" he says turning his light off and pushing past me. I suddenly feel a weight on my chest at being alone again but press on.
After what feels like forever I finally find myself entering Daniel's room. I silently close the door and sneak over to the bed and get on the other side. I suddenly feel a warm presence wrap around me and I smile, now able to sleep.

~(Daniel's PoV)~

        I open my eyes slowly to see a room I didn't know, only to remember all of yesterday. (Legit me in every hotel the first night.) I stretch my arms and sit up only to find (Y/N)'s arms wrapped around me. I know I begin to blush as I squirm around. Instantly regretting my actions as (Y/N) starts to wake up.
        She sits up and rubs her eyes facing away from me. I stay silent not knowing what to do, well, until I sneeze.
        "Bless yo-.. wait-" (Y/N) says turning. "Daniel!" She says her face heating up but her eyes soon turn to realization.
        "Hey?" I ask in more of a question then it meant to be.
        "Oh my Irene! I'm s-so sorry! I couldn't sleep and I-" I cut her off before she continued to ramble.
        "It's fine." I laugh. "Should we head to breakfast. She nods and we head off to get ready and go to breakfast. Skipping the 'awkward' conversation.

        A short while later (Y/N) meets me back in the hallway with a (F/C) and white sweater.
        "Alright, les go!" She says taking my wrist and dragging me. We walk down the stairs and enter the kitchen to Aph, Aaron, Katelyn, Lucinda, and a very grumpy looking Zane holding his favorite mug-'Not a morning person'-It says.
"How was the snuggling guys?" Aph asked us as we walked in. Immediately (Y/N) started freaking out and denying it while I freeze not knowing what to do. "Oh don't deny it, I saw you!" She says confirming her claim.
        "You saw us sleeping?" I questioned her, (Y/N) was still freaking out that someone saw.
        "I was checking in on you guys! At least Aaron didn't get to you first." She says holding her hands up.
        "Well, at least I wouldn't have squealed like someone did." Aaron says in defense. Aph slapped him playfully in the chest at that.
        "C-can we just not talk about it! I couldn't sleep!" (Y/N) stutters covering her face. Aph laughs smiling and goes to prepare breakfast and I walk in front of (Y/N) who was still covering her face.
        "(Y/N), don't cover your face!" I say trying to pry her hands that seemed to be glued to her face.
        "No." She says trying to turn away. Key word 'trying.' I reach to her defenseless sides and begin ticking her causing her to burst out laughing. Her hands remove from her face as she laughs.
        "Ahhhahah! St-stop!" She says squirming. I lower my hands and she stops laughing.
        "There's my adorable fluff ball!" I say before actually thinking about it. Of course I meant it but..
"Ah! I uh.. have to use the bathroom!" (Y/N) says running off, a sinking feeling entering my chest.
"Breakfast!" Aph shouts, so I head over to a set table.
Soon everyone joins, and the first day of our 'break from summer' begins.

985 words

Hellooo! Thank all for commenting last chapter, and though my decision isn't final, I really like the idea of Dottie suggested by @Mysticwolfys ! Suggestions will still be open though. As always I hope you enjoyed...

Have a wonderful day


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