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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

I take a breath in of fresh air from the new environment. Looking up at my new house I smile. The building was a cream color with a light brown roof.
I take out my key and slide it easily into the keyhole unlocking the door. I open it to see the interior, which was empty, light was flowing through the windows illuminating it a nice warm gold color. It was homey, I could tell I would adjust quickly.
I check the time on my watch and realize the moving truck wouldn't be here for an hour. I sigh but head back out to my car and get the few boxes I stored there.
Back in my house I rip open one box and take out books. As I unpack I come across an upside down framed picture. I pick it up and flip it over to see my own and my best friends face staring back. It was the photo of us when we finished our tree house. I let out a shuddered laugh before a thought comes to my mind. I should call him.
        I pick up my phone and scroll through my contacts until I reach the familiar name. I press on the call button and after two rings he answers.
        "(Y/N)?" He asks with shock in his voice.
        "No, this is your mother." I say sarcastically. "What does the contact say?" I laugh.
        "(Y/N)!" He shouts happily. "How have you been?" He asks.
        "Good." I reply. I really should have called earlier but, I was so caught up with college work and finding a home, I never got the chance. "Just moved into a new house actually!" I continue.
        "Really! That's great. I've been in my house a couple months now. You know, we have a new neighbor here too!" He says.
        "Really? That's convenient." I laugh.
        "Oh! I have to go. A moving truck is pulling in, I want to go meet and help out the neighbor. Be a good friend you know?" He says. "We can call later, if you'd like!" He says with a bit of hope in his voice.
        "Of course! That would be great!" I say smiling. I really did miss him. "Well.. talk to you later!" I say.
        "Cya!" He says.
        I put my phone back into my bag and look up at a honk outside. Wow, it's really convenient the moving truck is coming at the same time Daniel's neighbors.
        I go outside and thank the driver as she opens the doors. I enter the truck and I begin to gather the smaller boxes.
        "Hello! Would you like some help?" I hear a familiar voice say.
        "Oh! And my name is-"
        "Daniel!" We finish together. I spin around to see my fury friend. I leap down from the truck and tackle him in a hug. "I missed you so much!" I shout with tears of happiness.
"Ditto" he says laughing as I tackled him. "How've you been? You didn't grow up on me did you?" He continues
"Does it look like I did?" I ask releasing him. "You better not have!" I say.
"Trust me, none of us did." I here a familiar female voice say to the side of me.
"Aphmau?!" I shout and turn to see her dragging a grumpy Zane. "Zane?" I say.
"Yep! Now the whole crew is here!" She say and I tilt my head at her. "Okay, I know this is hard to believe but, generally everyone from high school is here." She laughs.
"I thought I escaped after college." Zane says sourly.
"Oh come on, you loves us!" Daniel says.
"Yeah! Daniel's like your little brother!" Aph says. Zane laughs a curt laugh and crosses his arms.
"Aw he'll learn~" a man with snow colored hair came up and leaned on Zane's shoulder. I didn't know him too much but I believe his name was.. Travis?
Realizing he probably doesn't know me I say, "Hi! My names (Y/N). Nice to meet you!"
"Travis, Aph told me quite a bit about you." He laughs, still leaning on Zane who was fighting to get him off. When he successfully did he pulled his mask up further and turned away. (If you don't ship Zanvis I'm sorry~~ but Zane~Chan is already cannon so let me have thisss)
"Aw, you do?" I ask Aph and she nods agreeing.
"You did help me a lot as Alpha." She says smiling.
"So, should we get helping this complete stranger?" Daniel asks jokingly. Everyone nods, some more reluctantly then others.

---Time skip brought to you by Zane hiding his blush---

I clap as most of my furniture is now in it's place and spin around seeing my friends doing final touches. I can't believe we all live on the same street, I thought i'de never see any of them again!
"Hey isn't your birthday coming up?" Daniel asks looking up from one of my packed calendars.
        "Oh, it is!" I say completely forgetting about it. Ever since college I've just been focusing on studies, I completely forgot about my birthday.
        "Really?!" Aphmau asks excitedly before gasping and grabbing Daniel and Zane's wrist dragging them out.
        Okay... That was something. I walk over and collapse onto my couch  glad to finally be close to fully moving in. I turn on the TV and watch it until everything fades into black.

908 words

        Ahhh! welcome back guys! I know this chapter was slow because it's just an introduction, but trust me things will pick up. Anyway I'm glad to back and I'll try to keep a constant update but with the end of the school year coming up and me graduating 8th grade I have a bit to focus on with finals and graduation. But anyway as always...

Have a wonderful day!


An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now