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~(Y/N's PoV)~

I open my eyes to see light shining through he window of my new living room. I smile, feeling the warmth surround me. I was drifting back to sleep when a *ding* wakes me up again. I sigh and stretch before reaching for my phone.

New Message
From Aph: Hey! Would you like to come over to my house at 3:00? It's the tan one with bricks! (I think XD)

I slide the message to the side and open my phone. That's oddly specific.

Aph: Hey would you like to come over to my house at 3:00? It's the tan one with bricks!

You: Of course! We have some catching up to do! 😂

Aph: Yayyyy! Can't wait to see youuuu~ ❤️

You: can't wait! ❤️

I check the clock before closing my phone. 12:00 AM, damn. I was tired. I've got 3 hours then. I hoist myself up and walk to my suitcase I used to pack my cloths.

        I chose out a short sleeved black and white striped shirt with jean shorts

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I chose out a short sleeved black and white striped shirt with jean shorts. I pull on some Adidas and find my way to the bathroom. Hey I'm still getting used to my new house. I put my hair into a (H/S) (Hair style). I collapse back down onto my couch and watch (F/S) till it's time to leave.

--------One (F/S) watching session later---------

I look at the clock on my phone and realize that it's 2:57. I jump up and fly out the door jogging one direction before realizing I had no idea where I was going. I stop and look down the street seeing the tan brick house and begin jogging to it.
I knock on the door, out of breath only to see it just slides open. Alrighty? I step in to a dark house.
"Aph? Did I get the wrong house?" I ask onto the darkness.
"Yeah! Just over here!" I hear a male voice say.
"Your not Aph..." I reply backing out.
"Nono! It's okay!" I here Aph's voice say. I sigh and begin walking to it.
"Aph? Why is your hou-"


        The lights suddenly fill the room along with all my friends and some new faces. I stand there my jaw hanging open.
        "Y-your all here!" I shout a smile growing on my face.
        "Like I promised!" Aph laughs coming out from behind the couch with a tall man with black hair and black eyes.
"Who's this~?" I ask poking Aph making her blush a bit.
"O-oh! This is Aaron.. my boyfriend!" She says grabbing his arm. I here a quick squeal from KC and I smile.
"Nice to meet ya, in (Y/N)!" I say shaking his hand.
"Haha, I heard. As you know I'm Aaron." He says shaking my hand back. I smile at him and he returns it. I look around and see another person that I don't recognize leaning on the wall in the corner. He also has black hair but with cyan eyes. I walk up to him and he smiles but not as much as the others.
"Hey! As you probably know I'm (Y/N)!" I say rocking on my feet.
"Gene." He says putting two fingers to his fore head and then waving them out in a greeting salute. I smile and turn back to the rest of everyone.
"Thank you so much guys! This is truly amazing!" I say happily. "Hey... where's Daniel?" I ask realizing his absence.
"Oh, he'll be around." Aph says giggling. "Until then... WHO WANTS TO PLAY GAMES?!" She shouts. Everyone cheers and we decide on T or D, I mean what else would everyone wanna play? (Legit me and my friends XD)
Everyone begins forming a circle and I sit next to Laurence and KC.
"Since the party is for (Y/NNNNN)... I think she should go!" Aph says and everyone agrees. I nod and adjust before asking,
"Garroth, truth or dare?" I giggle hoping to Irene he will say dare.
"I'm no stutter king chicken anymore! Dare!" He says confidently crossing his arms.
"Okayyy, well... I dare you to sit on Laurence's lap for the next 5 rounds!" I say high fiveing KC.
"W-what!" He shouts blushing slightly.
"It's a dareeee~" I say patting next to Laurence.
"Aw come on, you don't want to sit on me~?" Laurence says laughing.
"Your with them now!" Garroth shouts hanging his jaw.
"Maybe, maybe not." Laurence says getting up and basically putting Garroth onto his lap. Garroth just blushes.
"Looks like Laurene accepted how gay his is!" I whisper to KC and she giggles.
"And forget the fact Garroth isn't a studded king anymore!" She whispers back.
"Okay, okay! My turn!" Garroth says. He looks along the group of people. "Zane!" He says smiling deviously.

-Time skip brought to you by Aphmau's secret-

"Okay.. (Y/N)! Truth or Dare?" Aphmau asks.
"I did Truth last time soooo... dare!" I say confidently hoping that will last.
"I dare you to tell us where you got that ring! And then go outside! AND YES! I know that's two but just shshshsh!" She says pointing at my (f/c) moon and star ring.
        "O-oh! M-my ring!" I studder. ("O-oh, m-my ring! It's just for good luck!"     "ITS IS ENGAGEMENT RING YURI WHY ARE YOU SPREADING LIES ABOUT OUR LOVE" If you get that reference from the YOI fandom... ily XD)
        "D-Daniel gave it to me.. Its a promise ring, that he'll always be there." I say blushing at the night he gave it to me. After we kissed, Aphmau cake running to us like a mad women causing me to pick my head up from Daniel's shoulder. It was in good intentions what she did but I kinda wish the moment could've lasted longer. But Aph was relieved heavily that Daniel was okay so I didn't mind.. tooo much.
        "Awwwww!" Aph and KC say together giggling. "Okie, now go outside!" Aph says getting up and pushing me towards the back door.
        "Alright! Alright!" I laugh as she impatiently pushes me to the door. I laugh as she leaves me back to the group. I grab the Handel to the sliding glass door and slide it open.
        What I saw shocked me, it was already getting dark so the sun was shining just over the fence giving part of the yard an warm glow. There were fairy lights hanging from the trees and a light illuminated a small pond the the corner of the yard. It was small yet so big.
        "Welcome home~"

1105 words

SUMMER!!! I graduate this Thursday then... IM FINALY FREE FROM MIDDLE SCHOLEEEE XD The summer! I'll try to update more often since there won't be school and HW. I hope everyone has a great summer and if your graduating like I am, congrats! And if your still in school or starting I hope you have a great school year! And as always...

Have a wonderful day!


An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now