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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        "Ow!" I laugh as I bump into another wall. It's been a couple minutes since we arrived at Daniel's house and he put a blindfold over my eyes.
        "Sorry!" He says guiding me in a different direction. "Ok, now step up we're going up stairs now." He says. I do as I'm told and carefully make my way up.
        A few moments later light floods my vision as Daniel takes the blindfold off. It takes me a few seconds but I finally manage to focus.
        There were pillows, blankets and cushions piled around in a room with a few couches. I smile, already knowing what he wanted to do.
"Fort?" He asks looking at me, a hopeful smile placed on his freckled face.
"Yes!!" I cheer, we haven't made one in years! I grab his wrist and dive into the blankets and cushions.

After around an hour, we finally finished the fort, it wasn't big, but bigger than what we made as kids. It had one big bean bag in one area, and we hung fairy lights around for light. We also set a few board games around for when we get board.
I plop down onto the beanbag, Daniel next to me laughing.
"I missed that.. we had such fun as kids." He says as he looks into the distance.
"I do too.." I say following his gaze to the picture of us with paint splatters, I hadn't even realized it's there. "We've came so far since then, didn't we?"
"Yeah." He says shifting a little till he was laying down. For some reason that have me the urge to lay across him, so I did. For a while we just laid there, after my worry that he would judge me went away, I realized how comfortable he was.
"H-hey," he says after a while, breaking the silence. "You remember my birthday? After you found me in the woods?" I tense up a little at the memory. Why was he bringing it up? Would he be mad?
"Yeah.. aheh" I say wringing my fingers together.
"And that one day in the lodge?" He continues.
"Yeah" I repeat, still anxious over what he's gonna say.
"Did you mean what you said?" He asks.
"D-did you?" I counter.
"Hey! I asked first!" He says picking his head up a little to look at me.
"Well.. Yeah. I did.. I do!" I say sitting up to face him. He does the same. "A-and you?" I ask.
"I do as well" his eyes lighting up, highlighting the lighter blues in his ocean eyes. "I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say hoping I wasn't as red as I felt.
"I'm gonna kiss you now" he says, before I can do anything the sensation I've missed for months now was back.
He wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same. This time seemed different than the others, stronger, as if we finally realized something we denied for so long.

We loved each other.

—————————A week lator———————————

Three knocks could be heard from my front door. I hop up, nearly launching myself off balance, and walk to the door. I already knew who it is, so I opened it slowly but hiding behind the door.
Daniel looks in, confused as to why he wasn't seeing in. After he took a few steps in I jump out from behind the door.
"BOO!" I shout. He jumps in the opposite direction of me before giving me a pouting face over my jump scare. "Sorry~" I tease, looking at his outfit.
He was wearing dress pants with a collard shirt that was light green and had light blue dots scattered around it. A mini bow-tie sat just beneath his neck, slightly uneven.
I was wearing a (f/c) dress that reaches just below my knees, I also had a white flower crown in my hair to accent the dress, along with the ring Daniel had given me years ago.
"You look cute" I hummed adjusting his bow-tie. He rubs his neck, cheeks dusting pink.
"Thanks.. but your cuter!" He says, raising his voice at the end. I dramatically gasp.
"Impossible!" I say putting my hand upon my forehead. "For you are the most adorable cinnamon roll out there!"
"Noo!" He tries to argue, but I place my finger on his lips to shush him. "Humph." He grumbles, but smiles anyway.
"Are you ready?" I hop up slightly, excited. We were going on our first official date, and I was more than ready! ..I hope.
"Yep!" He says just as cheery as I did, and we head to the door.

785 words

Hello guys! Hope school is going great so far for you guys! I already have 3 tests tomorrow so.. ughh, but still having a good start! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you want, you can leave some suggestions on where you want you and the precious bean to go! And as always..

Have a wonderful day!


An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now