One at a time

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~(Y/N)' POV~

        Daniel leans suddenly on my shoulder as he struggles to take his next step forward.
        "Come on, one step at a time, do you have any more feeling in your legs yet?" I ask him.

        "Not.. really." He says taking another step releasing a little pressure on my shoulder. He takes another but once again leans heavily on my shoulder.

        We're not sure how he got it but he has a large bruise on his left leg leading it to be mostly numb. Even a couple days after he woke up fully he still can't walk.

        "How about a break?" I ask. He nods, and I lift him slightly taking him to the couch. "They're not back yet, huh.." I say looking towards the closed door of the lodge. As expected I don't get an answer, instead he leans his head on my shoulder. "Tiered?" I ask.

        He nods, and a silence talks between us. I then remember something that we haven't done in a while, so I wrap my arm around him and open my mouth to sing.

~Song: Carry On by Fun.~

If you're lost and alone
Or your sinking like a stone
Carry on~
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on~

        It was just the chorus, but I look down at Daniel, a smile on his face leading one to cross mine before it fades again.

        "I'm sorry." I say. He lifts his head slightly to look at me.

        "What?" He croaks, his voice still foggy due to not using it for a long while.

        "It's my fault your hurt, I got hit. I hurt you, I allowed him to take you." I look to the side, remembering the day. Daniel sits up, looking at me.

        "Look at me.. (Y/N)." He says. I turn, doing as I'm told. "Do I l-look mad?" He asks. I shake my head, lowering it once again. It doesn't stop me from feeling guilty.. "You ha-have no reason t-" I cute him off.

        "You shouldn't be talking, Daniel. It'll hurt you." I say, as I don't want him more hurt than he already is.

        "Then.. I-I hope this speaks for me-e more than words." He says, taking my jaw in his hand leaning closer. My eyes widen, everything fading away.

        A flashback, to that night of my birthday hits me, my heart burns with an indescribable feeling, but not a painful burn, an incredible one. Warmth hits my lips, bringing me back to present. I hadn't even noticed I closed my eyes, it was as if I was holding the whole world and the whole world was gone at the same time, nothing mattered, all I could focus on was him.

        I couldn't focus on time, I had no idea how long it had been, but once it was over I immediately wanted it back. My eyes slowly open to be meet with the ocean once's I knew since I was a pup.

        "You have no reason to be sorry, she wasn't the real you.

This, is the real you, (Y/N)."

525 words~

Ehehehee.. I hope you guys enjoyed! I am having an amazing spring break and I hope you are too! Thank you all again for so much support, and I haven't been watching Aph as much but I know it's sad! I hope this can provide some happiness..

One question for y'all,

Any of you marvel fans out there? Cause I am NOT ready for end game. I want spidey back xD
But hey, at least we have far from home. Anyway as always...

Have a wonderful day!


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