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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        A flash of green. The flash was all I saw before I blacked out. I groaned, or more like.. I did so in my head. I tried to get up, I couldn't. My body wouldn't move. Suddenly Zane popped his head inside the room I was in.
        Zane! We're so worried about you! Where are we? I once again go to say but nothing comes out. Wait.. his eyes are still green..
        "Master is looking to see you." He says as my body gets up with ought my command.
        "I'll be right down." I say. Wait no, that wasn't me! What is happening?! My body then gets up and walks to a bathroom. It changes before turning to a mirror. I gasp (I think we know that's in your head by now xD) my eyes were a bright emerald green. No.. nono..
        My body starts walking towards the door of the room, it leads to a hall with a rail looking down at the first floor of the house.
    "Oh (Y/N) dear~"

~Daniel's PoV~

        "DANEIL!" Aphmau screams snapping me out of the closest to sleep I've gotten all night. "We *gasp* found something from *gasp* inside Zane's room" she says out of breath.
        "What? Why are you so out of breath?" I say hopping off my bed, wobbling a bit from staying up all night, but then heading to her.
        "There's a.. hall in Zane's room. Seems to be a secret door. And don't ask, not the most fittest.. heh" she says leaning on me catching her breath.
        After she catches her breath we head to Zane's room to find everyone, besides the ones missing, there. They were all surrounding a door opened from the wall leading into a dark tunnel.
        "I found it while searching for clues of what happened to Zane" Aaron says showing a small button in the wall.
        "Well what are we waiting for? Let's find out friends!" Garroth says walking in with a flashlight. The rest of us follow, some more hesitant then others. After a while, the tunnel began getting wider until we saw a light at the end.
        "Guys.. what if this is just a secret exit or something built originally." Katelyn says.
        "It's something." I say refusing to pass over any clues that could lead to finding (Y/N) and the others. Katelyn nods and moves on.
        At last we reach the end, defiantly not a secret exit. Potions and books were everywhere. But the thing that caught everyone's eye, the emeralds. They were everywhere glistening a bright lime green.
        "..guys" Kim says waving us over. "Look at this." I look at the page she was pointing at on a large book.
        "Forever Potion.." I read. "Effects can force one to do whatever it's made to do, the only effect is.." I read but stop at the last part.
        "..cause the effected person to have emerald green eyes.." Kim finishes. We all sit in silence for a little.
        "Zane!" Garroth says his voice cracking. Aphmau rushes to him to help comfort him from the tears forming. I feel my heart race. Who? What if (Y/N) is under.. I look up and go back to the book.
        "There has to be a antidote! Nothing is forever!" I say flipping through the pages, Kim joining me.

        "There!" Kim shouts scaring everyone from their own thoughts. The past hour was full silence and wild thoughts. The only sound was Kim flipping through pages.
        "I passed over it fifty times, it's just so subtle." She says. "It's not even a official page.Which is understandable, it's supposed to be forever. Not to mention, this is a hand written book, nothing in this has been published to the public." She says. I nod walking up to her. "These ingredients are really rare, luckily most of them are here. But theres still some missing. I should be able to do this.. but I need you guys to get the ingredients." She finishes.
        "Anything." Garroth says. "What am I looking for?" He continues.
        We were all assigned things in pairs and we soon left in search of the ingredients.

        "Got it!" I shout before wobbling and falling to the ground. Me and Katelyn laugh as we stand once again.
        "Earth, why make a species of mushroom that ONLY grows on the top of a certain tree?" Katelyn says and a laugh a little more. Even in the serious time, Katelyn made some laughs. And it was pretty nice, the laughter released some weight on me that could hold me back. I'm glad I got to know her some more.
        We begin to head back but as we pass by a large cave opening from inside the original cave we hear shouts conning from inside it.
        "Was that Aph?" Katlyn asks. I nod, hearing that too. We turn to the opening to see Aph hanging from the ceiling in a cage and Aaron standing at the bottom bellow her.
        "Aph? Aaron?" Katelyn asks confused running up to Aaron, I followed behind her.
        "Hide!" Aphmau shouts suddenly and Aaron runs to a nearby rock pile. We follow suit.
        "What's going on?" I whisper, but Aaron shushes me. A group of wolves run in followed by a hooded where.
        "L-let me go! And leave my friend alone!" Aph shouts banging on the bars of the cadge.
        "I already told you. We can't do that." A cold voice reply's. Why is it so familiar? "Your ruining my plans.. and I won't let anyone get in the way of what I want." The voice says again sending shivers down spine.
        "If you let me go.. well leave the cave!" She shouts. I widen my eyes, we aren't giving up..
        "Mhmm.. no." The voice says turning to leave, the wolves following. Aaron jumps out growling. He looks back up at Aph.
        "A-Aph close your eyes. And hold on. You two as well." He says his eyes tracing the wall. I nod, confused but close my eyes. "Don't open till I say so." He says.
        I hear a shout and a loud bang before a gust of wind comes up from behind me dust flying up. Aph gives a squeal causing me to open my eyes naturally to protect my past Alpha. I get a quick glimpse of what looked like back ears with red tips, but as soon as I saw them they were gone.
        "You can open your eyes now." Aaron says. Aph was now on the ground with a broken cadge, her eyes wide.
        "How-" Kate starts but Aaron puts his hand up.
        "Don't ask." He says. "Do you guys have your ingredient?" He asks. We nod and he does as well. "Then let's head back." He says beginning to walk back. I follow still a bit shaken but glad we had our ingredients and Aph back safe on the ground.

        "And.. done!" Kim says, clearly tired. "Well... one of three..." she says looking back at the mostly full pot.
        "It's still something. Do you think you can finish them?" I ask, worried. I've hear magic takes a lot of energy. Esspesially something this powerful.
         "I'm no Lucinda but I can try." She says turning to grab another potion bottle.
        "Don't overwork yourself Kim" Aph says. Kim nods signifying she knows and returns to her work.
        "They'll be ready by morning." She says. "I just won't be able to search with you." She continues.
        "That's alright. Thank you so much for this." Aaron says.
        "It's nothing.. I just want to help my friends." She turns and smiles, making everyone else smile as well.

         "We're coming guys, hold on"

1283 words

        Yay! Another chapter out! I hope you enjoyed it m and that it's not too jumbled. It's kind of following the lines of Emerald Secret but still diff, if it's too similar tell me, but I hope it's good ;0;
        I'm trying to get as many chapters as I can out while it's summer because I'm starting high school! Anyway..

Have a wonderful day!


An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now