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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

       I step out of Daniels car, excitement rushing through me. It wasn't the biggest date but I was still over the moon to be going on a date with him. I take his hand and begin pulling him towards the restaurant.
        Before I knew it, we were sitting at a table, food in front of us. We laugh as we make jokes and smile at memories and our hopes. It was going amazing, he was the Daniel I grew up with and more.
        "-and the time you almost threw out the checkers board cause I won again!" He laughs, making me laugh and spill my drink slightly, only making us laugh more.
        "Hey! You won 5 times before that, it wasn't fair!" I say as our laughing dies down. I lean my head back slightly from the tears of laughing in my eyes, and I catch a glimpse of yellow and black. I sit up, and swivel in my seat to see Justin.
        With a gasp I whip my head back to Daniel, he looks at me with a worried look. His head tilted asking me what's wrong with ought saying anything, his eyes soft.
        "Justin." I say hoping he didn't see me. I haven't seen him since highschool, and he quite possibly had changed by now, but I didn't want to be around him despite.
        "Want to order a dessert and head to the park?" Daniel asks, a brilliant idea.
        "Sounds amazing!" I reply.
        We order a small cheese cake and pay, walking to the door, our previous conversation picking up, leading to us giggling again.

~(Daniel's PoV)~

        We walk hand and hand through the park, golden light dancing around us as the sun set. Our conversation had calmed down, allowing us to catch our breath, and appreciate the nature around us.
        A hum exists my mouth at the feeling of content, the crisp air around mine and (Y/N)'s hand, creating a warmth in my palm. Our arms occasionally rubbing against each other, and the golden light shining off her (H/C) hair.
        After a while, we sit down on a swing set, no kids there since the sun was nearly set, and most of them were home.
        A sudden shock hits me as I feel a hand rub my ear.
        "(Y-Y/N)!" I shout, pink no doubt spreading along my cheeks. She hums a curious reply. "My ears!" I say.
        "Do you want me to stop?" She asks, her hand stoping.
        "Well.. no! I-I just-" I try to find words but I can't, it felt nice, so I allowed it. She smiled, continuing to pet my ears.
        "They're soft" she says, the smile not faltering. This went on a while, neither of us speaking, but just being in each other presence made us feel happy.
        "Hey" I say, after about 10 minutes pass. She once again hums a response, most likely tired from all the laughing we did in the restaurant. "I have something for you."
        She sits up from leaning her head on me, looking curiously.
        "Yes?" She asks. I fumble in my pocket and take out two slips of paper.
        "You know how you've always wanted to go to love love paradise?" I ask.
        "Mhm.." she says, trying not to seem excited, but I can tell by her ears suddenly peeking up and her tail wagging that she was.
        "Well.." I flip the tickets around. "Surprise!" I say cheerfully. Her eyes light up and a gasp escapes her mouth.
        "Oh my IRENE! AHHHH!" She shouts jumping up and dancing a little. "How did you have enough?!" She says excitement skipping in her voice.
        "I've been saving up since middle school, aheh." I say rubbing behind my neck. "Oh! And the whole crew is coming!" I say forgetting that, somehow.
        "How much money have you saved?!" She gasps.
        "Oh no! Dante and Aaron somehow got them all tickets. How? They won't say, but they did!" I say.
        "EEE!" She shouts, grabbing my hands and pulling me up, a new found energy entering me. She pulls me into a hug and we spin a little cause of the impact. "When do we leave?" She asks.
        "Aheh, tomorrow afternoon" I say, I shoulda planned this earlier. I look up expecting her to freak out like the other girls did when the found out they only have a day to pack.
        "Great! I have all morning to pack!" She says happily.
    "Let's head home, we've got a big day tomorrow."

760 words

        Hello guys! I posted in under a month! Yayyy! I officially have a plan for the rest of this book, and I'm super excited for the rest! (Don't worry we still have quite an adventure left) I've got a big test coming up so the next update should be after that. Anyway, as always..

Have a wonderful day!



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