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Hi! So sorry there is two party chapters right after each other but this chapter will lead into the main conflict. And be sure to read the A/N to vote for my next X reader. Enjoy~

~(Y/N)'s PoV~

Cheers fill my ears as I fly around the corner of the girls house. I start running down the Main Street of mystreet the cheers getting louder. I dare a look back and see Daniel advancing on me. Oh it's on.
I pick up the speed the finish line getting nearer and nearer. And 3



"And the winner of the race... the birthday girl herself! (Y/N)" Aphmau announced and everyone cheers. I laugh out of breath as Daniel ran up next to me.
"Con-congrats" he laughs out of breath as well. I thank him as we are given waters from KC.
"It's not fair! You guys are werewolves you've got natural speed." Katlyn lightly punches my arm.
"Oh shsh~" I say back. Eventually everyone who had participated in the run had got back to the line.

----Time skip brought to you by gotta go fast---

I sipped my juice and laughed at Travis' attempt to flirt with Zane when I saw Aaron waving me over to him towards the corner of the yard. I walk over and he tugs me behind a tree.
"Oh, alright?" I laugh and he releases me.
"Sorry that was aggressive.. just can't have Aph hearing." He says checking she didn't see, I'm assuming.
"Alright? So what's up?" I ask tilting my head confused.
"So.. Aph has really wanted to go to starlight wonderland for a long time now and.. I wanted to take her there, but I don't have the money to. Well, until a job opened but I would probably need help doing it. Do you mind coming to help? I already have Garroth, Kim, Lucinda, Zane, Daniel and Aph herself going but you could never have too many people." He says quietly.
"I would love to help! That sounds adorable. You two are so cute!" I giggle glad to help. "When is it? And what's the job?"
"Tomorrow. And it's just renovating an old lodge, it shouldn't be too hard, just cleaning and such. Also sorry it's on such short notice and after you Birthday after all." He says scratching the back of his neck.
"No biggie! I'll pack my stuff later tonight. About how long do you think we'll be there?" I ask the final question.
"Probably about a week." He say. "And thank you so much. I'll be sure to pay you back." He says.
"Again no problem! Cya tomorrow!" I say smiling and turning from the tree back to the party.
I spend a couple more hours hanging out with everyone before the amazing party was sadly over. But when one adventure stops another begins, and I head home to start packing for the next one.

Sorry for the short filler chapter! But the real conflict of the story is coming out. And I finally graduated! Out of middle school today! Whoop! But anyway, the reason some of you are reading this probably, my next book!

So I really enjoy writing X readers and when I finish this one, I wanna start another, but who? You guys get to vote! If you'd like put the name in the comments. I appreciate your votes!
-Aphmau (girl X girl)
-Dottie (girl X girl)
-If you want to do another person I haven't put, you can put their name but the ones above are people I have ideas for, but I want you guys happy so you vote. And as always...

Have a wonderful day


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