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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        "Zane?!" I shout, its echoes through the trees and I stop to listen for any answer, only to find Garroth's voice shouting 'Baby brother! Zane!' With the most worry out of all of us answer.
        I sigh, looking up at the sky, the sun was now over the horizon signifying we have to go back, a turn around and march my way through the snow back to the lodge rubbing my arms for warmth.

        When I make it back I collapse onto the couch near the fire Lucinda made while we were gone.
        "Thanks Luci" I say happy to be near the warmth. She smiles and nods then goes back to reading her potions book, seeming to be deep into it.
        I can't believe it's been a day since Zane went missing. None of us know how, but when I woke up everyone said they heard the bang too and that it defiantly wasn't outside. I hope he's alright, he always seems to shut himself off and can be mean but I can tell he can be a nice guy.
        I look up barely realizing everyone else besides Garroth had returned. I open my mouth to ask where he is when I'm stopped by a bang and some yelling.
        "Would you get your hands of me! Your not my brother!" Zane's voice yells.
        "But Zane! I'm your big bro!" Garroth says coming around the fire place.
        "Zane! Where were y- woah, your eyes?" Aph says getting up.
        "What's wrong with them Aph? And can you get this guy off me?" He says stop trying to pry Garroth of his arm.
        "You remember her name!" Garroth yells letting go.
        "Yes, I know her. Not you. Now can I go? I need to find my brother." Zane says. We all look confused besides Garroth whose jaw just dropped.
        "IM RIGHT HE-" he begins but Aph covers his mouth.
        "Alrighty, Zane, who is your brother? And why are your eyes bright green? Did you get hurt?" Aph asks trying to calm things down. 
        "Why are you que-" Zane starts but gets interrupted.
        "Bright green eyes- wait." Lucinda says putting a bookmark in her book and closing it, then walking to us. She looks into Zane's eyes and gasps. "I was just reading about this! But it's supposed to be a myth.." She says putting her pointer finger and thumb to her chin thinking.
        "I think I've read that somewhere too.." Kim says walking up next to Lucinda. "The forever potion?" She asks.
        "Yes exactly! But it's said to be an old witches tail. But all the clues are right here.. and I can't think of any other potion that does this." Lucinda says.
        "What are you talking about, I'm not under a pot-" Zane started but getting interrupted, again.
        "Zane, where were you last night? What did you do?" Kim asks.
        "Well obviously- I was.. I don't remember.." Zane says confused.
        "He doesn't remember! The potion does that.. guys. I think we have a powerful warlock or witch in our hands." Lucinda says. "I mean, If the myth is true." She continues causing everyone to begin to freak out.
        "You guys are insane." Zane says. "I'm leaving." He finishes walking to the door.
        "Zane wait!" Me and Aph yell getting up to go after him, but it was too late. He closed the door and just seemed to disappear.
        "Looks like the search isn't over." I say.


(Daniel's PoV)

I trip over myself finally managing to get back through the lodge door. Nothing of Zane was found, it's as though he just disappeared. I looked up to Aph and Kim comforting Garroth, Katelyn laying down, and the rest chatting in a circle by the fire. Everyone but Lucinda... and (Y/N)!
        "Where's (Y/N)?!" I ask loudly for my normal voice and everyone turns to me.
        "I-I don't think she's back yet.." Kim says. "I was the first one back" -she rubs her neck embarrassed at that-"I know no one else was here." She continues murmuring something not loud enough to hear. I feel my heart pick up pace. I rush to the door but get stopped by someone holding my arm.
        "Daniel- we can't go out there. It's dark and it's a blizzard. We have to wait till morning." Aaron says turning me around. I look back at the door, and back at the others. I break my arm free and run up to my room falling into the bed.
        I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. She was missing. But I'm going to find her.
770 words

        Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others it's more of a transition chapter. I'm trying my best to keep updates close together so thank you soooo much to those who are sticking with me! I lv you guys! And as always...

Have a wonderful day!


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