A spark

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~Daniel's PoV~

        Its been about 2 hours since we had meet back at the cabin to eat diner, it was starting to get dark. Kim had finished the potions but only four, meaning we had to be careful with them.
        I hear a distant bell meaning we were supposed to begin heading back. I sigh feeling my heart sink, still not being able to find (Y/N).
        I turn to head back, but see a spark of something in the snow catch my eye. I look back and see an small object in the snow. I trudge my way over to it, and take off my glove while I lower down to pick it up.
        Almost instantly, I recognize it. (Y/N)'s ring. The (F/C) gem glistens in the sunset light as I turn it around, she's this way. I turn back around, and begin pushing though the snow away from the lodge.

                            I will find her.

~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        "They're in the cave. They found out, brother." Lucinda says, emotionless. I mentally shudder as Ein pushes her back.
        "You were supposed to stop them!" He yells, it echoes through the house. "Stop. Them." He says in a cold voice. He then spins around and looks at me. "Darling, could you comfort me?" He says. (Hhhhh that makes me so uncomfortable for some reason)
         My arms open, again unwillingly, and wrap around him. I hate this. He rests his head on my shoulder and "I" pat his back. When we separate I notice Lucinda is gone, probably to go find the others like she was told to do. Please be safe guys..

~Daniel's PoV~

"Daniel!" I hear someone shout my name, I turn to see Aaron, 'running' towards me. "We have to go home. The cabins that way!" He says reaching me.
"I can't! We have to go!" I say. He takes my arm, pulling me back. "I have a lead!" I shout pulling out the ring. He stops, staring at it for a while.
"Is that the ring you gav-" I cut him off, not wanting to waste time. (Y/N) had to be close.
"Yes. It is. Get the others, follow the path I'm making. Go as quick as you can we can't pass this chance." I say, more serious then I've ever felt before. Aaron nods and runs back.
I spin my head back around putting the ring back is it's secure place in my bag, and continue trudging throughout the snow.

—Time skip brought to you by "Aaron" calling Aph out about thongs—

A small cabin comes into view, by now I could barely feel my face, my nose most likely pink. Despite this I rush to the cabin, this had to be it. I knock on the door, to no answer. I could tell someone was inside though, I went to the window and peeked in. What I saw gave my heart the power to warm my whole body, but soon after sink back into cold ness.
(Y/N) was inside, laying on the couch with Ein. Watching something and chatting like it was an normal evening. I feel a small fire ignite in my stomach.
        Ein! Of course it's Ein! I go over the door and knock on it, making sure they can hear me.
        The door opens to Ein, his face goes from surprised to a smirk quickly.
        "Hello, Daniel." He says, inviting me in. I look over at (Y/N) who was still sitting on the couch, her eyes glowing emerald green. No! He got her!
        "What did you do to (Y/N)!" I say, for the first time feeling real rage and hatred to someone. Hearing her name (Y/N) looks up and walks to Daniel's side, confused.
        "Who's this?" She asks, tilting her head to the side, like she has done since we were little. I let out a sort of noice between a hurt sigh and a squeak.
        "What. Did. You. Do?" I ask again, only getting his smirk wider. He puts his are around her leaning slightly.
        "Oh, I did nothing. I am the alpha after all, who wouldn't want to be with me..?" He says placing his hand on (Y/N)'s cheek. She doesn't move. He begins to lean in, getting closer to her lips. Before I knew it I burst out running to them and shove Ein back into a wall with more force than I intended. But that didn't matter, all I wanted to do was protect (Y/N).
        Anger burned though Ein's eyes, he got up and began running to a room with stairs learning down. I go after him, (Y/N) following behind me.
        Ein grabs a green potion and looks at it then back at (Y/N). He grips it tighter and runs outside.
        "Ein! Where are you going?" (Y/N) asks following outside. I hear a crash and breaking of glass and I run out behind her. Green particles were comming from (Y/N) her eyes squeezed shut, trying to regain balance.
        Once they open, a new look was there. One I've never seen before upon her face. Hatred. She had never displayed it, even towards the worst people in her life. Pure hatred was in her eyes, directed at me.
        It's not her! It's the potions! It's not her! I repeat in my head.
        "(Y/N), darling. Finish him off for me would you?" Ein says leaning against a pole holding his house up, ready for the 'show.'
        "With, pleasure." She replies. With that Ein tosses her a knife he had in a holder on his belt. She takes it, rolls it around in her hand a couple times, then tightens her grip, heading to me.
        "You know Daniel, you were here most of my life. And I will say you were helpful sometimes. But the thing is.. your no where, near as great as Ein. He's strong, a leader,  an Alpha. You are nothing, but an Omega, to us." She draws near, I press my back against a tree scrambling to find words, something to do to bring her out of this trance.
                           THINK DANIEL!

~3rd person PoV~

       (Y/N)'s hand sliced through the air the knife gliding through it just as well. Suddenly the had world silenced, everything seemed to go slow, as if everything was focused on this one scene, and that scene only.
        Time sped back up as (Y/N)'s hand was caught by Daniel's. Daniel stared into her emerald green eyes, but knew those beautiful (E/C) eyes were lurking there. It took all his strength to hold her back, a strength pushing down on him he thought (Y/N) had, but he managed to slip the ring out of his pocket with his free hand.
        Daniel let go of (Y/N)'s hand and she took advantage of that raising her hand again. She tore down through the air a second time driving the knife through Daniel's shoulder, but a sudden presence on her finger caught her attention. She looked down, to see a ring with a moon, and star, and her (F/C)'d gem in the middle of the moon and star.
        "I.. love yo-" Daniel managed to say as he began to fall backwards, into what, he didn't know.

1224 words

I'm sorry-

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