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        Hello all! I'm Chaii, or Kylie, and I'de like to apologize for leaving this book. I've lost a lot of interest in Aphmau since starlight and tried to keep my book going but I've been absorbed by school and other interests. I apologize for not writing a complete second book but I'de like to leave the ending up to you, finish the story as you would see it. 

        I'de like to thank all of you so much for supporting my books, through the 7th and 8th grade I LOVED writing this book and seeing amazing people and the feedback, and to this day I get emails of new followers and favorites. Thank you all so much, I truly appreciate you all, you've made a big imprint on my life. I never thought Omegas Together~ would get as big as it did and it means a lot to me. I do have a new wattpad account that I'm working on a private story but It's far from done, when the first chapter comes out, if you guys are interested, I'll post it here.

       Feel free to comment questions or anything you'd like on this chapter and I'll respond to them for a while. ^^

As always...

Have a wonderful day!



An Alpha (Book 2 of Omegas Together~)Where stories live. Discover now