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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        "ACHOO!" I sneeze for the what seems hundredth time.
"Bless you!" I hear Daniel's voice echo down the halls from somewhere in the lodge. I laugh and 'send' a thank you back before continuing to dust. We have been cleaning for what felt like a week when it's only been four days. Who knew having no service would make days this long.
After a little while longer of cleaning I hear a bel ring signaling that it was lunch time. We decided to use this so everyone could hear when it was time to eat and have a break. I make my way back and head to the kitchen a smell of (F/F) filling my nose.
"How's everyone's sections looking?" Aph asks as we eat. A bunch of 'goods' and 'alrights' were heard from all of us besides Zane, who simply grumble who knows what.
We continue to chat eating when we hear the front door open along with a gust of wind. I swear I can feel my heart sink as everyone turns to look in the area. We all sneak over to the main area hiding behind a counter and some storage barrels.
Wolves? How? I question seeing the white and grey wolves enter the lodge. Still puzzled by the wolves a hooded lady enters, with a red hood and black and white hair, she looks around for a while before signaling for the wolves to leave.
I feel a shiver as the door closes behind them. Who where they?
"What.. was that?" Zane asks showing the most emotion I've seen on him in a while.
"I have no idea.." Lucinda says. "It seemed to be a wolf pack, but why was one human?" She asked, looking at me as if I knew the answers.
"I-I don't know what that was. But there is a myth I used to be told as a kid that some werewolves can shift into humans. Possibly that's what it was?" I say giving all my knowledge.
"A-all I know... is that we NEED to lock those doors!" Garroth says shivering. We all nod in agreement. As me and Daniel lock the doors the rest of the group goes to lock the windows.
"That.. was scary.." Daniel says shivering.
"Something about it just didn't seem right.." he continues double checking the door then hugging himself for comfort.
"I agree, but we're safe now. We'll figure it out. We're a great team." I says smiling as I hug him. He hugs back and I put my head on his chest.
After who knows how long we hear a squeak from Aphmau whicth brings me back to reality and I back away from Daniel my face heating.
"Awww, that was cute!" She says crossing her arms.
"Why don't you do it with Aaron!" I say back. She squeaks again but this time she blushes madly. I smirk happy with my revenge.
"We should get back to work. The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get out of here." Zane says.
"Alright, but why don't we go in pairs this time. You know, for safety in case something happens." Katelyn says. I nod and jump next to Daniel. Garroth goes with Zane which makes him groan but he doesn't fight it. Aaron grabs Aph's hand and whispers something to her making her a tomato again, and finally the three girls Kim, Lucinda, and Katelyn go together.
"Cya guys at diner." Kim says in a low voice smiling. A bunch of 'cya's and 'bus's were said and we headed to our spots.

----Time skip bought to you buy I totally didn't forget Kim was there----

About an hour later the strange 'event' from earlier still bothered me but I settled down more. I hummed as I swept, Daniel soon joined in and I smiled beginning to actually sing the song.
We dance across the floor, sweeping and dusting while singing and laughing. We finish our sudden outburst of a song and look back at what we completed, the whole hall was cleaned.
"Woah." I say laughing and looking at Daniel. "We rock!" I continue holding up my hand to high five. Our hands clap together and we give a small cheer.After a bit more laughing we finally calm down and sit on a bench in the hall.
"Hey, I know we're all cheered up again. But I can't shake off that feeling from the wolves before. It's.. weird.." he says. I nod in agreement. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to stay with me again b-because we should stay together in case they invade again. Y-you know to protect each other." He says looking away for some reason.
"I.. think that's a great idea." I say after a bit of thought.
"Really?" He asks turning his head to me seemingly shocked.
"Really." I smile at him. As I was about to ask if we should head back our eyes lock. The world melts away.
T-this has happened before. I thought as I stared into his ocean eyes. When? When was it! I think once again before realizing, are we closer?

The diner bell snaps us out of our little world. We both silently get up and rush back to diner. Why was that so familiar?

----Time skip brought to you by the damn diner bell----

I roll around in the bed trying to find a comfortable spot, when I finally do I cuddle up to my pillow and smile. Maybe I can try and get a good nights sleep.
"Night Daniel!" I saw across the bed as he finds his own spot.
"Night (Y/N)" he hums tiredly. I sink into the bed actually comfortable in one of these beds for once, when suddenly a loud grumble was heard from a few doors down. I shoot up.
"Did you hear that?" I ask quickly to Daniel.
"Yeah, but wasn't it thunder? I thought I came from outside?" Daniel mumbles.
"Maybe it did.." I say laying back down. Do much for a good nights sleep...

1023 words


Helloooo! I'm not dead surprise surprise. So for those who may or may not be wondering, yes Daniel and (Y/N) confessed there love to each other but after high school ended (Y/N)'s father who is always out on business forced her to go into a business college. (Y/N) thought she would never be able to see Daniel or the others again, but when she did neither her or Daniel had the confidence to mention it. But don't worry, that'll change!

*Less important*

So regarding a third book, if you guys remember Daniel giving (Y/N) camp tickets to her favorite camp, I had a whole story idea for that. But MAY have forgotten. I could make the Story on that and make it like a side adventure with more X reader things. But it's completely up to you guys so feel free to decide!

And finally! My next book coming out when I finish this one! I couldn't decide on just one character so it will be a (Y/N) X PDH. I don't want to spoil too much right now but it will be called Luner Eclipse. But enough of my rambling and as always...

Have a wonderful day!


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