Saved. (Pt. 2)

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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        "EIN!" I hear Aaron shout next to me, I turn my head and see him running about the same pace as me.

        Ein looks back, struggling to run with Daniel in his arms. Before he knows it, I reach behind him, and launch my body toward him tackling him to the ground. I hope I didn't hurt Daniel, but I didn't get to think about that as Ein began fighting Me. Before I can throw a punch at him from my anger, I feel an arm tugging me back. Aaron was between us pushing me back, I look at him about to argue but I'm silenced, meeting him looking back, Black and red ears on his head. I'm silenced.

He spins around and takes Daniel from Ein's arms and tosses him to me a bit less careless than I would have liked, but I had Daniel back so I didn't complain.

"Take Daniel back! Don't say anything about my ears. I'll deal with Ein." He says definitively and turning back to Ein.

"But-" I begin.

"Go!" He shouts, with slight anger ringing from his lungs. I nod, picking Daniel up. I limp away under Daniel's weight dragging him through the snow that was stuck stacking on the ground. I look back to see how Aaron is doing but they were gone, instead I see a trail of red. Daniel is bleeding, I pick up my struggling pace.

        Of course he's bleeding. I stabbed him. I did this. I give a small cry as I make my way closer to the lodge, then also realizing, we can't get out in this snow.

We'll save you Daniel. We will save you, you'll be alright!

Those are the thoughts that fueled me as I dragged him back to the lodge. A cough escapes my mouth from my exhaustion, almost. Almost.

——————————Time Skip—————————

I look at Daniel laying unconscious on the couch, now pushed close to the fire place in attempt to warm him.

The sound of ringing was throughout the room, we were all trying to call the emergency responders, but no one was gaining any avail. I would be lying if I said I was loosing hope but I refused to stop, again and again we tried. Getting the same message over and over of 'we can't reach the other end. Please find a place with better service.'

        "Got it!" Garroth shouts holding his phone out in victory. "Ahem, Hello?" He says holding it back to his ear. He nods and explains what had happened along with our location, as he talks I feel wights being lifted from my shoulders. Despite I knew they still had to travel all this way.

        Your alright Daniel. Your alright... please be alright.

459 words

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