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~(Y/N)'s PoV~

        I sit patiently outside the door Daniel and Aaron have been temporarily hospitalized. Aaron had came back hours later into the night severely injured, his ears and tail now gone. I had no idea what had happened to Ein, but I hoped he was gone. Sure it's a dark thought but he's ruined so much, he deserved it.

        A mix of 3 different doctors have been cycling through the room for what seems like days. As if on que, one of the doctors exited the room. I lift my head quickly with hope as I have been the past three days. She looks down at me and nods.

        In the matter of seconds I'm on my feet, and would have been in the room if she hadn't but her hand in front of my chest.

        "They are both still unconscious. You may see them but they most likely won't hear you." She days and lowers her arm now signaling for me to enter. I nod with a small sinking feeling in my chest as I won't be able to see him truly yet.

        That small feeling soon turned to feeling like a freezing ball had been dropped into my stomach as i see the still body on the bed.

"Daniel!" I cried out falling to my knees besides his bed. Bandages were wrapped around the shoulder I had stabbed him, his ear and over his eye.

Tears well in my eyes seeing as how I was the one to cause this. I pick up one of his hands, it being surprisingly cold and hold it to my forehead letting the tears fall.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I repeat the two words over and over as I look for any others. "I didn't want to hurt you, I couldn't control myself.. it was my fault." I say a shuddered sigh escaping my lips.

"No.." a faint voice says, I look up to see Daniel still with his eyes closed. But a small frown on his face that wasn't there before. "It's.. I-it's not your fault!" He says in a slightly more confident tone then he could handle leading him to grimace.

"Daniel, shh don't talk, please. You'll hurt yourself." I say lowering his hand. As I said that though, a memory popped up into my head, a question I had that's been prickling my mind for the past 5 days. I push it down, he can't answer, he's too weak now. "I'm really glad your okay.. I wish I could do more-" A small pressure on my hand stopped me from speaking, Daniel held it in his own as a response.

Another breath gets let out along with more tears. It hurts, so much to see him like this.

"I promise, as soon as your strong enough, I'll be here to talk every minute possible, I'll be here. I'll help you get through this.. it's the least I can do." I say, leading to a small smile to appear on his face. I smile too, but even in the nice moment of peace for once in the last 3 days, a thought still threatens in the back of my head,

It's your fault.

542 words

My third marking period exams and studying for the regents are coming up and I really wanted to extend this chapter but I wanted to get something out before I got lost in school again. I'm sorry if my chapters haven't been the best lately but I'm really trying! Thank you all soo sooo soooo much for the support and 45 followers along with almost 2K on this book and 9K on the first! I cant believe how far it's come since a year back and I hope y'all are having an amazing 2019! And as always...

Have a wonderful day!


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