Chapter Fifteen

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AN: Hey guys! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I haven't been posting chapters much, it's just that this summer has been hectic. Also thank you guys so much for 11k reads on this book, and 150k on my previous book! Anyways if you find any errors please be sure to tell me so I can fix them. Don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy!🧡

Arielle's POV:

I sat in the waiting room at the hospital. I had arrived here around 2 hours ago. They  still hadn't told me how Ava was doing, and I had yet to call Jaylin and Jennifer to tell them where I was. I had turned my phone off on the ride to the hospital.

A doctor came out of the room that they put Ava in so I walked up to him and asked how Ava was. "She's gonna be alright. She overdosed on heroin and as a result fell unconscious. If you had gotten there a second later her heart may have stopped and she wouldn't be here. "

"Thank God," I sighed to myself.  Is she awake?" I asked him.

He nodded and then said "You might want to consider finding a Rehabilitation Center to put her in." 

When I heard these words I stiffened. I knew Ava wouldn't like the idea because of her sister.

"I'll talk to her about it." I said to him and I walked into the room. When I walked in a saw Ava lying down on the bed, with a whole bunch of tubes sticking into her body.

She must've heard me walk in because she looked over to where I was standing. 

For some reason, looking at her in that bed made me extremely angry. I sat down in a chair that was next to her bed and didn't say a word to her.

"So I take it that you're mad?" Ava asked.

I didn't answer her and decided to turn on my phone to tell Jaylin and Jennifer where I was.

When my phone finally turned on I saw that I had 25 text messages and 15 calls from Jaylin. And I had 34 calls and 21 messages from an unknown number, which I realized was Jennifer's.

I quickly saved Jennifer as a contact and then texted Jaylin where I was and told her that she could bring Jennifer but they should wait outside.

"So I guess you are angry..." Ava mumbled.

"Of course I'm angry Ava. Do you know what went through my head when I saw you lying on the floor in your bedroom unconscious. Gosh Ava I thought you were dead." I ranted.

She was about to speak, but then I continued and said "Were you trying to kill yourself!?"

"I'm sorry okay..." I heard her quietly say.

I looked over at her and saw that she had her head down and her hair was covering her face so I couldn't see it.

"I just... needed a way to forget you. And drinking wasn't helping... so I turned to drugs." She sighed and then continued. "When I first started it was just weed, I promised myself that I would stay away from the hard stuff. I didn't want to get into that stuff again. But then... when the weed stopped helping me forget and my dealer offered me heroin, I took it. I didn't think all of this would happen." She finished.

"Oh my gosh Ava. I'm sorry." I said and took her hand in mine. 

"It's not your fault, it's mine for being so stupid." She said and gave me a small smile.

I felt my phone vibrate in my lap and I glanced at it and saw that it was Jaylin telling me that her and Jaylin were there outside.

I was just about to ask if she needed anything when a nurse walked in and told me that I had to leave.

I looked over at Ava and enveloped her in my arms.

"Bye Ava, I'll visit you soon kay?" I said to her.

"Okay, bye Arielle." she said and returned my hug with a weak squeeze. 

I walked out of the room and was greeted by 2 different looks from 2 different faces.

Jaylin, who was looking at me with concern laced in her features.

Then there was Jennifer, who looked so furious that if she was in a cartoon, there would be steam coming from her ears.

Well I'm in some deep shit.

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