Chapter Nineteen

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Arielle's POV:

I was currently walking into the hospital. I was here so I could check on  Ava and to see how she was doing. Jennifer offered to come with me but I thought it would be better if she stayed home. I still hadn't talked to Ava about going to rehab. I just hope she takes it well.

I walked in and headed to the front desk."Hello can you please tell me what room Ava Bailey is in?" I asked the receptionist. 

"She's in the third room on this floor." The lady said.

I thanked her and headed into the room.

When I walked inside I saw that Ava was awake and lying down on her bed, watching some old black and white movie.

I knocked on the door so I could get her attention.

She looked in my direction and flashed me a smile. "Hello Arielle." she said.

"Hey Ava." I said fully walking into the room and setting the bouquet of flowers I got for her on the counter next to her bed.

"Please sit down." She said and gestured to a chair that was next to her bed.

I did as instructed and sat down.

"I didn't think you were actually going to come." Ava said.

"Huh? But I said I would." I said to her.

"I know... I just... nevermind." She said.

"I didn't push her and looked out the window.

"Is there something that you need to say to me." She said.

"Yea... it's just that when you first got here, the doctor... he said that you should consider going to a Rehab center." I stated."And I think you should too." I added quietly.

She staying silent for a while and then I looked back at her and saw that she was tightly clenching her fists.

"Arielle why would you suggest that? You know I hate those kind of places!" She said, clearly getting angry.

"Because Ava this is going to far." I said to her.

"I don't need to go! I can fix myself just like I did last time." She shouted.

"But Ava last time was not as serious compared to this." I said, trying to reason with her.

"Just shut up Arielle!"

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and said "Fine. If you don't see that I'm trying to help you. I'm leaving, just know that if there is a next time... I won't be here." and then stormed out the hospital and to my car.


"How'd it go?" I heard as soon as I opened the door to my room. 

Jennifer was sitting on one of my bean bag chairs and reading a book.

"Not as well as I had hoped."

"What did she say?" Jennifer asked.

"Well to sum it all up, she basically flipped her shit and kicked me out of the room when I suggested she should go into rehab." I said, sitting down on my bed.

"Why would she do that?" Jennifer asked.

"Ava..." I trailed off, playing with my fingers, "she had an older brother that did drugs, the hard stuff, like cocaine and all that. He went to a rehab center and I don't know all, the details, but I know that he ended up dying in there. So I guess she associates rehab centers with her brothers death."

Jennifer put her bookmark on the page she was on and closed the book, then she got up from the beanbag chair and came over to me and sat down beside me. 

She took one of my hands in her's and intertwined them saying "She first my fight her demons dealing with rehabilitation facilities, Arielle, you did all you could. You can't help her if she doesn't want to help herself. " 

"I know... it's just..." I trailed off.

"It's just nothing Arielle, you did all you could. So stop stressing over her." Jennifer said and kissed me on the cheek.     

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