Chapter Twenty-Four

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AN: Sorry it's been so long. There has just been a lot going on in my life, so expect some sloowwww updates. Anyways thanks for reading and if you find any errors please make sure to tell me so I can fix them. Don't forget to vote and comment! (Sorry for no details, I was rushing to get a chapter out, you'll see what I mean.)

Arielle's POV:

"Wake up Arielle." I heard a voice say.

I opened one of my eyes slightly and was greeted with a sight of Jennifer peering down at me. I looked over at my phone and realized that it was 4:36 in the morning. 

"Jen, why did you wake me up so early?" I asked.

"Because your alarm went off at 4 but I decided to let you sleep a little longer."

Oh yeah I have to meet someone today.

She moved away from me, so that I could get up.

"So... what do you want to do today?" Jennifer asked looking at me expectantly. 

"Actually, I have to go meet Adrianna today." I said, getting up and stretching. 

"Really, what for?" She asked.

"Um... you know, sisterly things. Just to catch up." I said heading into the bathroom.

"Are you lying to me?" She asked with a frown on her face.

"Of course not?" I answered and then closed the door.

If I don't leave here soon, she might find out. I need to hurry up.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put my messy curls into a top knot bun. 

When I exited the bathroom I saw that Jennifer was just standing and staring out of my full wall window. I don't think she noticed my presence so I quietly headed over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped a little but soon relaxed once she realized it was me. 

"What are you doing?" I asked her, looking out the window as well. It was still pretty early and the sun had not completely risen but there was a beautiful sunrise.

"Just thinking." She answered vaguely.

"About?" I pressed.  

"Nothing... just the future."

"Jen?" I asked, but she didn't respond.

I let go of her and moved around her so that I was standing in front of her. "Jen. Whatever you're thinking, stop. If this is about what happened before I went into the bathroom, don't worry. I would invite you but it's a really private thing. And if you think I'm seeing someone other than Adrianna, I'm not, you're the only one I want, got it?" 

She looked down at me and nodded slowly. I grabbed both of her cheeks and pulled her down to for a chaste kiss. I tried to pull away but she deepened the kiss and put her hands on my sides, and pushed me against the window. She swiped her tongue across my lips, asking me for permission, which I gladly granted. My hands moved down from her cheeks to wrap around her neck. Her hands started to go underneath my shirt, and I quickly pulled away. 

"Jen I seriously have to go, it's going to take me a while to drive and get there." I told her trying to move away from her, but she keep a strong grip on me.

"Then I'll drive you." She said and started to kiss my neck. 

I moaned quietly and said "No, Jen seriously I have to go."

She ignored me and continued to suck on my neck. She started walking backwards, while holding on to me. Soon enough we were on my bed, with her on top of me. 

"Jen I'm ser-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because she cut me off with a kiss. She took my hands in one of her and placed them above my head. While our tongues were dancing in the lustful kiss she reached up and took my hair out of it bun, letting it tumble down around me. Her hands then moved from my hair to my shirt and she lifted it up. 

She then detached her lips from my own and moved them to one of my breasts. She sucked and teased my nipple, while she fondled with the other one. When she was done she then moved on to the next one. 

"Jennifer!" I moaned out loud.

"I-I-I do-don't h-h-h-have enou-gh time." I tried to say through my moans.

She removed her lips from my nipple and hand from my breast and looked up at me, her eyes filled with lust and she smirked saying, "Well, good thing this isn't going to take long." ,and quickly pulled off my pants and underwear, and started to move her head lower.


I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

When did I fall asleep?

I looked next to me and saw that Jennifer was sleeping next to me, topless, with one of her arms on my legs.

Don't tell me... what time is it?

I quickly got my phone off of my nightstand and saw that it was almost 9.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled and quickly got out of  the bed. I rushed over to my closet and grabbed a bra, shirt, pants, and quickly put them on.

"Arielle, what's wrong?" I heard a groggy voice ask.

I looked over at my bed and saw Jennifer was slowly started to get up.

"What's wrong is that I was supposed to have been gone by 7 and it is now 9!" I yelled, and put on a hoodie and got my phone and car keys.

"I'm sorry Arielle, I kinda got... carried away?" 

"You think!" I yelled at her.

"Look Arielle... how about you wait for me to get dressed and I'll drive you?" She said with a small smile of her face.

I sighed and went over to where she was on the bed. "It's fine get some sleep." I said and kissed her.

"Bye baby." Jennifer said, laying back down.

"Bye." I said and quickly left the apartment and went to my car. 

I looked at the time one more time and sighed.

She's gonna be so mad.

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