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Ever since she was born, Shalom was taken away from her parents and raised in an isolated mansion. She was homeschooled, she didn't have any friends, she was never to leave the house. She has been taught how to cook, how to clean, how to be a good host, and many more ever since she could talk.

She was trained to be a submissive, to never voice her thoughts, to listen to what others say, to do as she is told, to never express her opinions, all what the devil likes.

But once she turned fifteen, and she knew the reason behind her 'lessons' and 'trainings', she grew furious.

Gone was the quiet, shy girl who followed every command given. Replacing her was a defiant, hot-headed teenager who refuses to be bossed around.

"Who do you think you are? You have no right to be boss me around and expect me to be okay with it!"

"Shalom, you know it's not us. He's the one who wanted this."

"Oh, yeah? Well, who does he think he is? Just because he's the so called devil, doesn't mean that I will do what he wants!"

"Sweetheart, calm down. We taught you better than this!"

"Well, I'm no longer that gullible little girl who had no clue of what's going on around her. I'm done. I will not allow you to plan my life right before my eyes, not if I have any to say in it."


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