Chapter 13

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After towel drying my hair and throwing on a pair of jean shorts, a black tank top, and a purple cardigan along with some black airmax, I stepped out of the bathroom to see Lucifer waiting patiently for me on the bed.

"Finally." He grabbed my hand, sending sparks all over my arm, and pulled me with him out of the bedroom. Okay, maybe not so patiently.

"Where are we going first?" I asked, trying to fasten my pace to match his.

"You'll see."


"This is awesome!" I looked around the game room. "I'm surprised you know these things exist." I spinned one of arms of the Foosball table. "Ooh Pool table!" I ran over to the table and picked a stick. "Can we play? Please please please."

He chuckled, grabbing a stick, the triangular frame, and the balls and joined me on the table. "I don't see why not." He placed the balls in the frame and removed the frame before putting the white ball in front of them. Leaning over, he expertly nudged the white ball with his stick and I watched as it hit the others, scattering them around the table.

"Go ahead." He motioned to the table.

I situated my left hand on the table and leaned down, propping the stick on my middle finger, and wrapped my forefinger around it. I aimed the stick on the white ball in front of a small purple one. Taking a breathe, I used my right hand to push the stick forward, only for it to slip out my finger and go in another direction. I groaned and aimed it again, yet the same thing happened.

"Ugh this damn stick wouldn't keep still!" Frustrated, I slammed the butt of the stick on the floor and placed my hand on my hip.

Lucifer was full on laughing by now, and it was a sound I wouldn't mind listening to all day.

"Don't laugh at me you butt." I glared, pointing the stick at him.

He raised his hands in surrender and his laughing stopped, becoming a few chuckles every now and then.

Too stubborn to give up, I got into my earlier position, ready to hit the ball again when I felt a presence behind.

The scent of chocolate invaded my senses as my mate leaned over me, holding my hands with his own. "The trick is," his chest pressed against my back. "you have to have a firm grip on the stick, but not too firm; you still have to give it some space to glide. Like this." He demonstrated by tightening his left hand over mine. "You have to aim at the center of the white ball, hold your breath, and just shoot." He moved the stick forward and the white ball hit its target, making it roll over and fall into a socket.

He straightened and sent a smirk my way. "That wasn't so hard now was it?"

I cleared my throat and looked away in hopes of hiding my flustered face. "Y-your turn."

He got into position and effortlessly sent a ball into another socket.

"Oh, wait." He said, stopping me from trying to shoot, "I have a trip to make to heaven to take care of something. I'm leaving today and I'll he back in a couple of days."

My eyes instantly widened at the newfound news. "Can I come with you? Please please pretty please!" I held onto his arm in despair, looking up at him with a pleading face.

"No, you can't come with me it's too dangerous. Stop giving me that look, I said n- oh alright fine, you're coming."


"BUT, you are not to leave my side at all. Understood?" He gave me a pointed look.

"Oh yes, of course!" Not. "I'll go pack!" I raced out of the room before stopping in my tracks and going back around. "One question, how's the weather there?"

Lucifer chuckled and shook his head. "I'll come help you pack. Wait for me in our room."


Finally, a chapter! I know it's short and it's more of a filler, to prepare you for what's next in the upcoming chapters. I feel like this whole story is a cringe 😥 I'll rewrite it when I'm older anyway so eh. Please vote, it'll make my day! Love you people!

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