Chapter 18

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It's been a week since Lucifer had taken me on a date. Our relationship is stronger than ever and I couldn't be happier.

I was planning to visit Marcus back in Heaven. I had nothing to do and Lucifer was gone to do I don't know what.

Now the problem was how I was going to get there. Oh, Ben!

"Beeeeeen! Where are you?" I walked into the kitchen to find him eating some grapes. "I need a favor."


"I'm going to get into so much trouble." Ben mutters as he trots alongside me to the gates of heaven.

"Don't worry about it. I won't even mention your name."

We reach the gates and I notice 2 guards on the inside.

"Hello, how are you? Uhm, we'd like permission to go inside, sirs." I said what I hoped was enough to get us inside.

True enough, the gates opened up and we were directed inside.

"Thank you!" I have the guards a smile and was given a nod in return.

"You can go wherever you want, I'm just meeting up with a friend and I'll be back; won't take too long." I waved Ben off and headed were I spotted the most people - ehem angels were.

After asking around for a tall man in his mid twenties with blue eyes and brown hair, I was led to a certain house. Apparently, Marcus was known around his fellow angels.

I knocked on the door and after hearing some shuffling noise, Marcus opened the door wearing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt.

His nonchalant expression turned into a full blown grin. "Shalom!"

I was tackled in a hug before I could greet him. Nonetheless I returned the hug with a huge smile.

"How did you get here? How did you find me? Never mind, that's not important now. Come in!"

He opened the door for me and led me into his living room where we sat on his couch.

"Ok, so first of all, I've missed you. Second of all, I went on a date not too long ago."

"You did? That's amazing, tell me all about it."  He gestured for me to continue while he listened attentively.

"He took me on a picnic where we talked for hours and then he gave me this necklace," I pointed to my neck, "And we got drunk and we completed the mating bond and it was all so magical." I smiled at the memory of the devil sitting with me under the stars.

"Wait, you what?!" His eyes widened in shock. "You're completely bonded?! Wow you're all grown up now. I can't believe this. When did it all happen." He suddenly pulled me into a hug. "I know you might've already fallen for him and all, but take care of yourself, okay?" He pulled back and held be by my shoulders. " "Whatever you need, I'm right here. Consider me as an older brother, even though we've only met once- twice if you count now. Don't hesitate to come to me if you ever need anything, you hear me?" I nodded slightly.



After spending about an hour with Marcus, I bid him farewell and went off to find Ben. I found him waiting for me by the gate we originally came through, eating an ice cream.

"Heave ice cream is good stuff." Was the first thing he told me.

I shook my head at him. "Come on you can eat it on the way, it's getting a bit late."


When we arrived back to hell, I told Ben to go home so that if I were questioned about my whereabouts, he wouldn't be in the picture.

As soon as I closed the door to my room, a feral growl made me jump twenty feet into the air.

Turning around, I was met with a seething Lucifer- or rather his demon judging by the color of his eyes. I'm screwed.

"Where. In the hell. Were you?" He growled out between angry breaths.

"N-nowhere." I chocked out an answer. Seriously, Shalom? Couldn't you have thought of a better lie?

He growled angrily before stalking towards me. "Do you know how worried I am?! Do you know how scared I was when I came back home to see the house empty with none of guards having any idea where you were?! And to th-" He paused mid word, taking a whiff of the air around me. "You were in fucking heaven?! And with that fucking angel, too?!"

I gulped, too guilty and afraid of uttering a single word. That seemed to anger him more as he closed the distance between us and slammed me against the wall.

His hand came up and gripped my neck tightly, lifting me slightly off the ground. On instinct, my hand came up and gripped his, trying to loosen it from around my neck.

"You don't get it, do you? You still went back to that male. You still fucking hung out with him." His grip was getting too tight, to the point where I couldn't breathe. I kicked his shin, making his grip drop from my neck and giving me a change to take a deep breath in.

Not long after, his hand fisted in my hair and I was eye to eye with the devil I call my mate. "You're mine. Mine. Only mine. No other man is allowed to touch you, no other man is allowed the privilege of being in the same room as you. I'm the only male you will ever need, the only male you will ever want, and the only male that will ever touch you, love you, and be with you. Am I clear?" I nod my head as much as I can with him gripping my hair.

"Words, Shalom." He seethed.

"Y-yes." My eyes brimmed with tears.

He let go of my hair and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I massaged my neck and swallowed painfully, chocking on a sob that threatened to escape.

And to think things were finally looking up.


Last chapter might be out tomorrow cuz I'm soo sleepy today haha. What do you think? Don't forget to vote! It means a lot.

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