Chapter 6

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I was sitting peacefully on a branch of a thick, tall tree with my back leaning on its trunk and a book in my hand. The only thing I needed now was a cup of coffee.

I found a gorgeous garden behind the house. It had flowers of all kinds and colors with healthy trees scattered around. I had picked a few flowers for Lucy, hoping he would like them and they would get me out of trouble.

I do, Augustus.
I do.

I wiped my tears for the millionth time since I've read this book. Placing it down on the branch, I sobbed into my hands. Why?

Once I've calmed down, I wiped my tears and took another bite of the chocolate I managed to snatch. I opened the other book I got with me and started reading it.

Half-way through the book, a seething Lucifer stomped over to my tree - yes, I've marked it mine.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed. "Look what I got you!" I waved the bouquet around excitedly.

His glare faltered before returning. "Get down, now." His voice was deeper than I've ever heard. His demon must've taken full control.

Yay, me.

I have to make sure my babies are safe, first. "Lucy, catch." I threw my books down. Luckily for him, he caught them without any harm being done. To them, at least.

I jumped down from branch to branch with Lucy's eyes following my every movement. The moment I reached the floor with the flowers in my hand, Lucifer grabbed my hand and pulled me with him towards the house. Sparks erupted from our touch and I loved the way they moved through my body.

"You should've been more careful." He said gruffly.

"It's nothing. I've always climbed trees to hide from Ms. Johnson or just for fun. She'd find me and yell at me for ruining my dress then make me take a shower and sign in Ben to keep an eye on me. Good times." I smiled at the memories.

"Are you mad?" I asked him, already knowing the answer.

"Mad doesn't begin to cover it." He growled out.

"I got you these." I held the flowers out for him.

He snatched them angrily from my hand. "Now's not the time for flowers."

My face fell slightly. Stupid, Shalom. Did you think the devil would like flowers?

I sighed and kept walking beside him, not uttering a single word.


"Nope. Get me out of here!" I tugged at my hand.

"I have to make sure you're not causing trouble while I do my work." He tugged his hand making me slightly fall forward.

"You can have that guard watch me." I tugged again.

"Look where that got us." He tugged harder.

"Well, where am I supposed to sit?"

"On my lap."

I stopped tugging at the handcuffs that held our left wrists together and looked at him in shock.

He smirked and patted his thighs as he sat on his chair behind the desk. I blushed and stared at him with wide eyes. "C'mon, Shalom. Don't tell me you've gone shy now." He taunted.

"I did not." I defended and sat on his lap. He wrapped his left arm around my waist and pulled me properly on his lap. Holy shit, this is comfortable.

He used his free hand to grab a pen and write whatever he was writing on the paper.

I leaned on his hard chest and sighed. This is gonna take a while.


"Are you done yet?"


"How about now?"



"No, Shalom."

My plan of annoying Lucifer to a point where he's kick me out was failing. I was annoying him, definitely, but he hasn't kicked me out yet.

"Do you have any siblings?"


"Where are your parents?"

"Not here at the moment."

"What's your favorite color?"

"Black." Shocker.

"What's your last name?"

"Teuful." (toy-fel)


"It's German for 'devil'." Hot.

"Middle name?"

"Don't have one."

"Favorite food?"


I yawned and turned around slightly in his lap so I was sitting sideways. "Hobbies?" I rested my head on his chest.

"Work." I chuckled.

"You're so boring and strict. You need to," I yawned, "have some.. fun."

I couldn't hear his response for I fell asleep on his chest.

"Sleep tight, my little mate."


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