Chapter 1

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Shalom's POV

I look to my right then to my left before sprinting down the hallway when I saw no one near. The golden doorknob shines under the light as I near it. Only a few more steps. Just as my hand touched the knob, strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I groaned already knowing who my captor was.

"Hey Ben." I greeted the guard without even turning around.

He chuckled. "Hey Shalom."

"So, how's it going?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from me.

He sighed. "When are you going to stop causing trouble?"

I gasped on fake shock and put a hand on my heart. "Me? Trouble? I would never!"

He chuckled once again. "Sure."

"Can you put me down now?" I asked sickeningly sweet.

"Nope." He turned me around and slung me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

I sighed knowing I'm going to get another long lecture. Looking down, the floor and Ben's butt came into my vision. I grinned and pinched his cute butt. He squeaked like a little girl then I felt a sharp slap on mine. I squealed and laughed at our silliness. I'm sure going to miss him.

Ben reached the door I've visited a lot ever since I turned 15. He pushed open the door and stood in front of the women sitting together. I heard a sigh before I was placed on the ground facing them.

"Shalom, how many times h-"

"Madame," I interrupted her with fake politeness, "I suggest you save your breath; it's no use. I'm leaving tomorrow anyway." As I finished my last sentence, Ben's hand around my waist tightened.

They all sighed simultaneously. Did they practice for this? Nah, they've been doing it for almost three years now.

"Just take her to her room. I'll see if I can beg him to give us another year or two." Ms. Johnson said.

I lifted my hands in the air preparing for what's to come. As expected, Ben lifted me over his shoulder and made his way to my room with me dangling over his shoulder.

I can't imagine myself living without him. He was there for me in my worst times, he made me laugh in my saddest times, he was was my only friends in this prison. And now I have to leave him.

I hadn't realized we reached my room until he placed me down on my bed. "You finally ma- Hey, what's wrong?" He crouched in front of me and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

And what's when the damn broke. I burst into sobs as he pulled me to his chest. He ran his hand through my hair and pulled me closer with his other.

"I-I-I d-don't wa-ant to lea-ve y-you." I managed to get out between sobs.

He didn't respond and that's when I looked up. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears and he had a broken look on his face. He pulled me back into his chest and buried his face in my neck. I felt drops of water on my shoulders and that's when I realized he was crying.

He wrapped both his hands around my waist and sat himself on my bed with me on his lap. I placed my hands around his neck as my sobs died down to silent tears streaming down my face.

"As much as I hate to admit this Shalom, you have to leave with him; he's your mate. You'll be safer with him, even happier. To me, you're the little sister I wish I had. I don't want to let you go, but I have to. And you have to stay strong for not only you, but for me too." His voice cracked a few times  as he spoke, pulling me impossibly closer.

But I don't want to leave with him.

He cleared his throat." So how about one last movie marathon?"

I smiled and nodded. He grabbed his spare clothes that he always keeps in my closet and went into the bathroom to change. He came out with gray sweatpants, put his folded suit on my chair, turned off the lights, and joined me in bed.

"Miracles From Heaven?" I nodded again before he put the movie on and layed under the sheets.

He lifted his arm and I gladly cuddled into his chest before it fell around me. I inhaled his comforting scent and snuggled closer to him.

One last movie marathon.


First chapter, what do you think? Do you like Ben? Shalom? Feel free to comment. Hope you liked it as much as I liked publishing it. Don't forget to vote!

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