Chapter 17

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The last two weeks have been filled with Lucifer and I doing something unusual: getting along. He's been paying more attention to me and I've been causing less trouble, hence seeing less of his demon. His restraints on me definitely loosened; I'm allowed some freedom around and outside the house and I don't have to listen to his every command. Every few days, he'd spend a day with me watching movies or playing in the game room while on other days I'd sit by him in his office watching Netflix on my laptop and sometimes helping him out.

In short, our relationsrappinghip has improved drastically. Which is definitely not something I'm upset over.

At the moment, I'm sitting on my mate's desk watching him deal with some paperwork. He's tapping his pen on the desk while shaking his knee rapidly; he clearly looked anxious.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I clamped my hand over his to stop the tapping.

He sighed and threw the pen on the desk before leaning back in his chair and rubbing his face. "No, I'm not okay. I need to ask you something." He puller me to the edge of the desk and rested his hands on my thighs. "I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and I'm just gonna do it and get it over with."

Okay, he's scaring me now.

He sighed again before looking me in the eyes. "Will you, uhm, go out on a date with me?" He asked almost sheepishly.

I was too shocked to answer. He wants to go out on a date with me? Me? Me?

"Of course only if you want to, I mean you're not being forced to go, you can say no it's ok- totally fine-"

I clamped my hand over his mouth to shut him up. "Yes, I'd love to go out on a date with you."

His stiff posture relaxed before he sent me a warm smile which I gladly returned.

"Great, then be ready by 8 tonight."


I checked my appearance one last time in the mirror before taking a deep breath. I picked out a dress that reached mid-thigh which I was surprised I owned. It had grey and white stripes on its upper half while the rest flowed down in baby pink. I paired this looks with a pair of grey sandals and let my hair down. Wow this is so not like my usual choice of clothing.

What if he doesn't like it? What if he decides he wants nothing to do with me?

A knock on the door brought me out of my mini freak out session.

I took another deep breath before opening the door to reveal a grinning Lucifer wearing some jeans and a black button up shirt.

"You look beautiful, mate."  He said with a charming smile.

Who is this person?

I cleared my throat and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thank you."

He held his arm out for me to take. "Shall we?"

I looped my arm through his.

We shall.


After about 20 minutes of me clinging onto Lucifer as he flew in the dark night, we reached a place that looked completely deserted.

"Are you sure we're not lost?" I asked once I was set on the ground.

"Yes, now follow me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me behind him as he went to who knows where.

After about a minute of trying to keep up with Lucifer, we reached a clearing with a couple lanterns hung from a few trees. A blanket was resting on the floor with what looked like cake and some other dessert. The whole scene looked gorgeous.

"This is the land between Hell and Heaven. It's free territory, and one of the most beautiful places you'll ever see." Lucifer said as he sat down on the blanket and pulled me down with him.

True to his word, I got over the shock and took a proper look around. Trees were not only green but deep violet, navy, and hot pink. Flowers seemed to decorate the surroundings of the trees in all colors and little fireflies danced through the night sky. The whole scenery was gorgeous and gave off a therapeutic aura.

We ate the dessert he got with him while talking about anything that came into mind. I was currently laying my head on his lap while he ran his hand through my hair. I watched the beautiful night sky filled with starts and fireflies as I gave in to the calming effect he had on me.

"I almost forgot." He reached onto his pocket and took out a small box.

I sat up and looked at him questioningly, eager to know what was in the box.

He crossed his legs and opened the box slowly, revealing a gold chain necklace with two handcuffs connected in the middle of it.

"I'm really sorry about the way I acted when you first came here. I hurt you; physically and mentally, and I didn't want that. I thought my mate would be someone who would follow my every command and do exactly as I say. I had always dreamed of a mate. I'd ask my parents as a kid when I'd get my mate when I used to read these books about supernatural creatures finding their mates and how happy they all were. And they'd avoid answering it and I didn't know why, until I turned 18 and I knew why: the devil doesn't deserve a mate. Since then, I led several wars against the angels in hopes of hurting the moon goddess and the counselors for not giving me a mate. I know it was stupid, but I was too blinded by fury, jealousy, and hurt. And when I finally get a mate, I act like an idiot and distance myself from you. I'm really sorry for that, and I will not hurt you intentionally ever again." By the end of his speech my ears teared up and I was smiling like an idiot. He then gestured to the necklace. "You know, it's, uhm, like we're bonded forever so, uhm, yeah." He cleared his throat awkwardly.

I grabbed the necklace and inspected it closer. "It's beautiful." I offered a genuine smile. "Thank you." I threw my arms around his neck for a hug. "And you're forgiven."

He awkwardly returned my hug before he leaned back, grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and popped it open. I went to grab it from him to take a sip but he swatted my hand away before I could touch it. "Ah ah ah sweetheart, this thing is made for us immortals. Too strong for you mere humans."

I glared at his last sentence and waited for him to hand me a cup of something a "mere human" like me can handle.

"To us?" He raised his cup suggestively.

"To us." I clinked our glasses together.

And just like that, we both lost our minds together and I saw a side to the devil that made me fall in love with him more and more.

And by the end of the night, we were fully bonded together just like the cuffs on my new necklace.


I really hope you understood what I meant with the last part because that's all you're getting. Don't forget to vote!

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